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Surgical Outcomes and Blogs Discuss RBreinich Charite III L5/S1 L4/L5 Fusion L3/4 September 2004 in the Main forums forums; Originally Posted by RBreinich on September 29, 2004 SURGERY DATE: Sept 02, 2004 AGE AT SURGERY DATE: 47 SURGEON: Drs. ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2008, 04:15 PM
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Join Date: May 2008
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Default RBreinich Charite III L5/S1 L4/L5 Fusion L3/4 September 2004

Originally Posted by RBreinich on September 29, 2004
SURGERY DATE: Sept 02, 2004


SURGEON: Drs. Zechel and Ritter-Lang


ADR L5/S1 - Charite III
ADR L4/L5 - Charite III
Fusion L3/4 - 360 degree anterior/posterior fusion. Anterior cage filled w/ artificial bone chips. Posterior metal plate and screws anchor it.

COST = 28,500 Euros
AMOUNT BILLED: 28,500 Euros
OUT OF POCKET: 28,500 Euros + Travel
TRAVEL: Approx $4,000.00 (U.S.) Hotel, Air, Meals, Transportation, Incidentals
Extra travel expenses for me and wife because we arrived 1 week prior to surgery--there a total of 3 weeks instead of 2 (sightseeing)



PRE-OP MEDICATIONS: Celebrex, Flexeril

PRE-OP DIAGNOSTICS: XRays, MRIs, myelogram

Lower Lumbar: Constant lower back pain. Last two years ranging from 6-9 on pain scale of 0-10. Sometimes stabbing pains.

Legs/Feet: Left leg- shooting pain down thigh and then down into foot. Burning, numbness and tingling. Drop foot after a few minutes of walking.

Work Status: Worked until 3 days before travelling for surgery.
Pain Levels: Ranged from 6-9. Pain described in section above.
Mobility limitations: Walking 15 minutes on a good day before I was forced to sit due to pain. That decreased to 5 minutes or less on a bad day. Almost every waking moment focused on trying to move in ways that caused the least amount of pain. Gradually, gave up activities one by one until the only thing left was going to work and watching tv...rarely went out. Battled with the feeling of hopelessness on a daily basis. It affected everything I did in life...or should I say used to do. Sitting was ok. Sleeping was difficult. We tried buying a spa, special chairs, cars that had seats with lumbar, heat, etc, and several types of mattresses...if I put all of the costs together along with the prescriptions and dr. visits...I could have paid for this surgery years ago!
I knew I would be in a wheelchair within a few months if I didn't do something soon. The amount of time I could walk was decreasing rapidly.


The surgeon was very thorough in his explaination and his rationale when giving us his recommendation to do the 2 ADR/ 1 fusion option rather than the 3 ADRs. His explaination, along with knowing that this recommendation to use a procedure that would be more complicated for him to do, take a longer time for him to do, and be less profitable for him immediately gave us peace of mind that he was not only thorough, but had his patient's best interest for a successful outcome above all else.
We never felt rushed, were always encouraged to ask any questions or raise any concerns we had at any time.
We found the staff to be caring and compassionate. The building itself was a little intimidating at first...it looked outdated compared to the gleaming monstrous medical buildings here in the states. But the care we received was outstanding, and the hospital was very clean, an amazing low incidence of infection, and they had all of the equipment and staff they needed in order to provide quality care.


1. Very poor: much worse... disabled after surgery.
2. Poor: worse after surgery.
3. Neutral: No improvement, or improvements offset by new problems.
4. Fair, some improvement, limitations are still serious.
5. Good, substantial improvement, some limitations.
6. Excellent: no limitations.

1. Very sorry I had the surgery.
2. Somewhat sorry I had the surgery.
3. Too soon to tell, or I'm ambivalent about the surgery.
4. I'm somewhat glad I did my surgery.
5. I'm very glad I did my surgery.

[Four Weeks Post-Op]
Functioning at: 4 Satisfaction: 5
I'm still sore & have pain in places, have some trouble sitting comfortably & don't have much stamina, which limits me. Some days walk 15 minutes until I'm tired, and other days 45 minutes or more. But very satisfied that the old pain is gone & what I have now is due to the normal post-op stuff. Medications unchanged.


FUNCTIONALITY: 4 1/2 SATISFACTION: 5 There has definitely been a lot of improvement since I posted at the 4 week point. But, I'm still hesitant to say I don't have serious limitations, since I don't feel I'm ready to return to work yet (therefore I waffled and gave it a 4.5 rating). My incisions have healed very well and I don't mind trousers and jeans now. The back pain caused by my three degenerated discs (all bone-on-bone)is gone. I have feeling in my leg and foot again. I still do have some muscular pain in my back, and I expected that (they stretched me almost an inch and a half). Once in a while, there is pain (muscular) in my lower buttock/upper thigh area of my left leg (I'm assuming this is the distraction pain that everyone describes here). Sometimes my foot burns for a little while. That pain gets pretty bad sometimes, and surprisingly it happens most often when I'm asleep...sort of like muscle cramps.
There are still some serious limitations...my stamina is not there yet, but it is slowly increasing. I am active more hours during the day. I'm able to do more standing and walking than I did two weeks ago. Sitting is comfortable but only for a short time. That's slowly improving as well. By the end of the day, I'm sore and sometimes stiff...and worn out. But it is SO MUCH BETTER than where I was. I'm thrilled with the progress I've made, and I think that my limitations probably are the norm at this point of the recovery, rather than the exception.
My meds haven't changed much, but I never used many meds even before the surgery. Aleve 1x a day, Celebrex 1x a day, Flexeril 1x a day.
I'll update you again in a few weeks! I expect to give my progress a solid "5" by then.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2008, 04:16 PM
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Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 196

Originally Posted by RBreinich on September 29, 2004
[3 month Post Op Report]
Functionality-- Strong 5
Thanks to the wisdom of other board members,I set my sights low, not daring to hope about the level of recovery I'd get or the length of time to get there. I definitely didn't want to push myself in the first few weeks, only to regret it for much longer afterwards. But, here it is, exactly 12 weeks to the day from my surgery, and I'm back at work today...fulltime with no restrictions. (Except what I'm restricting myself to).
Still some problems sleeping through the night, that leg wakes me up and drives me crazy all night long. But it is getting better...and infinitely easier to take than my 'before' surgery pain! My back gets sore...but its a muscular soreness, like I've just worked out. I can handle that too. Heck, I'm 47 and haven't done anything in years because of the pain. I think that will work out as my activity increases.
Just the past two days, I've slept for the longest continued uninterrupted sleep since I came home...10 PM to 5:00AM! Fabulous!
Sitting for very long times is still difficult...but possible. Went to the movies with my wife and grandchildren and I was really uncomfortable after about an hour. But that keeps improving too.
My lifestyle is changing for the better too. The most simple things...like running to the grocery store, caused so much pain that my wife never asked me to do it. Now, I run errands, clean out the garage, push wheelbarrows full of mulch and go for hikes again. I'm no longer worn out from the pain by the end of my work shift, with no energy left to do anything else.
Note at 5 months: This is something I never thought to post before because it started so slowly. I started having numbness in one thigh right after surgery...I thought it was from the DVT injections. It seemed to gradually get worse, so we started alternating the shots...and sure enough, I started feeling numb in both thighs. That never went away...but recently it's been getting worse...it has now crept up both thighs, into my groin and lower abdomen. There is also a lump near my incision...feels like fluid that collected and never was absorbed back into my system. I'm having xrays done next week to see if they indicate any problems. The numbness has not caused me to decrease my activity, but it does concern me. I'll report any updates as they happen. Also seeing my pain management doc for the first time since my surgery (not for my back pain, but for the DDD I have in my neck). Can't wait until he sees my xrays! I'd still give this a 6 and a 5 rating.

6 MONTHS POST-OP - DESCRIBE LIFESTYLE / PAIN / MEDICATIONS / NEUROPATHIES / ETC... (discuss surgery induced symptoms [leg pain?]):


6. Excellent: no limitations.


5. I'm very glad I did my surgery.
I'm a bit late with the 6mos. update ...it's actually 7 months and 14 days since my surgery. I'm thrilled with the outcome of my surgery...not thrilled with the outcome of my health insurance appeals, but I'll take health over wealth any day.
The only residual problem I have is the numbness in my thighs and lower abdomen and a hard spot near my incision. The numbness does not limit me in any way...I still have some feeling there, but it's more like the numbness you feel when you're outside in cold weather for a while. It bothered me a lot at first...but I've gotten used to it and it doesn't bother me much now. I have none of the old back pain. I do get sore muscles from overdoing things, but it's what I would expect to feel at my age if I overdid things and had a healthy back.
My pain medications are Celebrex (for the DDD in my neck)1x/day.
My activity level is back to normal...I can walk without pain going down my leg, without developing dropfoot. I don't feel any limitations with range of motion. My back feels strong again. For the first few months, I was paranoid everytime I felt or heard something different in my lower back. I don't even think about my back anymore when I move around. What a difference!
1 YEAR POST-OP - DESCRIBE LIFESTYLE / PAIN / MEDICATIONS / NEUROPATHIES / ETC... (discuss surgery induced symptoms [leg pain?]):

2 YEARS POST-OP - DESCRIBE LIFESTYLE / PAIN / MEDICATIONS / NEUROPATHIES / ETC... (discuss surgery induced symptoms [leg pain?]):
Waiting for an update from RBreinich.
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