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Surgical Outcomes and Blogs Discuss Progression of DDD in the Main forums forums; I am fortunate to have had superb results from my 3-level ADR prodisc procedure 9 years ago (08.25....

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2012, 01:17 AM
teg teg is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 33
Default Progression of DDD

I am fortunate to have had superb results from my 3-level ADR prodisc procedure 9 years ago (08.25.2003). My last couple of xrays show a progression of my ddd. I knew that this could happen, but hoped that it would not. I think that the biomechanical defect and the resulting limp may have contributed to this progression.

The results of my xrays that I sent for study follow-up show significant loss of disc height with large osteophites at l2-l3. My rf ablation has helped with 50% of the pain. I can keep most of my pain controlled if I act like a couch potato, which I am not willing to do.

Thanks for letting me rant. My best to everyone.

Lateral Gilman.jpg
Best regards,

Prodisc ADR L3-4-5, 08/2003 Dr. Bertagnoli
Failed Fusion C5-6 03/2005
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2012, 07:23 PM
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Default re the progression of DDD

Hi Thelma,
Well I have had progression of DDD too and didn't do anything except a foot surgery or two in the last 10 years which also had me limping for periods of time tho not prolonged. I find if I don't walk my back absolutely kills me from not being mobile. The biggest offender for me is still prolonged sitting altho I can tweak my back easily enough with too much of whatever it is that I do.

Sounds like the RF ablation was pretty successful. Would you consider pain meds to help you with the rest of the pain so that you could be more mobile?

I sincerely doubt I'd be nearly as mobile as I am without mine so I have just accepted the fact that I function well enough with this low daily dose of opioid pain med once daily and get by with a Toradol injection for spasms in between.

Has any other surgery been considered re the L1 L2 area? Hope things work out and you just start feeling better. Of course this is what I hope for any and all in pain.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2012, 07:37 PM
teg teg is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 33
Default Good Input

Hi Maria,

Thank you for you considerate response. I take Opana-ER for pain. I have found a pain management specialist that is very good at addressing my pain issues.

I find that I get to get over my apprehension of additional surgery and take control over whatever I have over my current situation. Attitude is everything, and I will have to be more proactive. I will be contacting Dr. Bertagnoli for his input. I just submitted my 9-year follow-up films to his practice.

I hope you are doing well and that your spine issues stay calm. Also, I have found the knee replacement web site that you recommended to me very helpful. Thank you!

Best regards,

Prodisc ADR L3-4-5, 08/2003 Dr. Bertagnoli
Failed Fusion C5-6 03/2005
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