I am scheduled to have a endoscopic RF at my L4 L5 FACET. That's the level that I have the pro disc replacement. I hope that ablation to those nerves will reduce some of this pain, so I can be more mobile. If this doesn't work I will have to have the disc fused into place. The good thing about the posterior fusion is that my L5-s1 is already fused. I know it's hard to have a fusion over a Pro disc. I think I have a better chance because the posterior end plate is not mobile due to that vertebrae not moving because it's fused. I had a media branch block and the pain was 100% relieved on the left and 50 to 60% on the right. So I'm thinking I might have a good chance with at least a 20% – 30% pain relief. I will post in a week to let everybody know if this is a good treatment for people who are having facet pain post Pro disc surgery.