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Surgical Outcomes and Blogs Discuss New Pain after fusion in the Main forums forums; Hi, Im a little over one year post multi level fusion. Im having severe buttock muscle spasms that muscle relaxants ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2011, 06:49 PM
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Default New Pain after fusion

Hi, Im a little over one year post multi level fusion. Im having severe buttock muscle spasms that muscle relaxants dont touch. I tried stretching it out but that only made it worse. Been flat on my back for a week now in terrible pain. Doc cut me way back on my meds as she thinks I dont need them post fusion. Im wondering why Id be having severe buttock spasms and if anyone else has any ideas. I will call PT tomorrow to try to talk with them.
Chemically sensitive disc/Annular tears, DDD, mild bulging, facet arthritus

Dancing accident in 96. tried PT, acupuncture, pilates, pain mgmt. nothing worked. Epidurals, facet blocks, caudal blocks, discogram. Opiates for ten years, oral prednisone, toradol inj. & more.

Two level spinal fusion with BMS, cages, hardware. due to bone density problems from chemotherapy, they had to go in front and back. Surgery Nov. 6, 2010. So far no regrets.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2011, 07:12 PM
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YOu wrote a little over a year, yet the date you wrote is Nov 2010. I still get muscle spasms from my sept 24,2010 long fusion and osteotomy. so if it really is only 4 months i would still expect this. but not the level of pain you are experiencing. What does your surgeon say?
I'm about to ask my pm doc this week if she thinks i will be on pain meds forever.
Hope you get help soon, it is not good to be stuck in bed.

2007 ACDF 4-7
2008 hip , knee scope, hip replacement
2009 thoracic T-5 thru T-11fusion
2009 VATS T7-8, posterior only T11-12. removal of thoracic hard wear
2010 lung surgery
2010 T2-L2 kyphosis correction
2010 Kyphoplasty T-3, T-4
2011 Cervical osteotomy ,revision C4-T5
2011 Foot surgery
2011 Revision fusion T7 thru L4/laminectomy
2012 Hammertoe correction left foot
2012 Revision fusion T-12 thru L5
2012 Revision fusion L4-L5
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2011, 07:40 PM
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Wow, after all you've been through, a new pain now appears? I could be way off base here and you might want to consult Mark for more specifics, but it could be your piniformas muscle?????

If memory serves, and I'll tell you it's beginning to fail me big time - I've read about this before. Give Mark a call -

3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2011, 01:53 AM
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Default buttock spasms

I too wonder about piraformis pain although am wondering if the cutting back of meds way back and the onset of this degree of pain have emerged about the same time? With a multi level fusion I'm guessing (really guessing) there could be various possibilities re pain generators and hope that you'll get some relief even before perhaps you might get a diagnosis although I am wondering if an injection of 60mg Toradol IM would help to alleviate the spasms? It helps me with severe cervical and low back spasms.

If you could get a bit of relief you could still pursue checking into what might have created this type of pain or what's going on clinically.

good luck and sorry to hear you're in this much pain and having to be bedridden for a week. I do hope things calm down ASAP for you.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-29-2011, 04:46 AM
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Spine patients can get muscle spasms because of muscle tightness that comes from pain, postural problems, etc... The muscles get fatigued and go into spasm.

Another reason to have spasms is because of central nervous system issues. Think of a spasm as potentially being a 'mini' spasticity. In this case, looking above the lumbar spine might be in order.... t-spine, c-spine, brain. I would not jump to this, but if other obvious issues, especially those related to your lumbar spine, are ruled out... you might need to check there.

Remember all the 'I'm not a doctor' qualifiers... don't believe what you read on the internet.

1997 MVA
2000 L4-5 Microdiscectomy/laminotomy
2001 L5-S1 Micro-d/lami
2002 L4-S1 Charite' ADR - SUCCESS!
2009 C3-C4, C5-C6-C7, T1-T2 ProDisc-C Nova
Summer 2009, more bad thoracic discs!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2011, 02:10 AM
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Default New muscle spasms

I'm going to phone the pt guy first and email the doc. I'm about 1 1/4 year post fusion. In general I'm very glad I had the fusion as the bulk of the excruciating nerve pain is gone. I know I'll always have back pain. Being thrown back in bed for a week was a bummer. I used to pretty much live that way all the time. I'll ask what muscle it is and get back to everyone. Thanks for your suggestions.
Chemically sensitive disc/Annular tears, DDD, mild bulging, facet arthritus

Dancing accident in 96. tried PT, acupuncture, pilates, pain mgmt. nothing worked. Epidurals, facet blocks, caudal blocks, discogram. Opiates for ten years, oral prednisone, toradol inj. & more.

Two level spinal fusion with BMS, cages, hardware. due to bone density problems from chemotherapy, they had to go in front and back. Surgery Nov. 6, 2010. So far no regrets.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2011, 03:54 PM
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What ADR do feel is the best one.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2011, 05:51 PM
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So we can address your questions specifically, please start a new thread and tell us about yourself. Where do you live? Who did your surgery? What were your pre-surgery symptoms, etc.

Personally, I have not heard that of that many failures with Prodiscs. I have 3 in my lumbar spine and aside from severe nerve damage during insertion, the discs are fine. However, there are more discs to choose from now and you and your doctor should choose the best one for your circumstances. Your doctor felt the Prodisc was good for you.

3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2011, 08:08 AM
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Well I don't know about the new things being mentioned. I do believe that most doctors don't have our best interest at heart. I also believe politics is just a big show and we are the watchers and the main stream media too.

As far as fusions and ADR go, I hear about the same amount of success stories. Some good, some great, some bad and some are crippled from them. It seems the bad outweighs the good to me. I should have never had a fusion. It has ruined my life. I was way better off without it. I was told I was not a candidate for ADR because I had Spondylolysis at L5/S1. They told me it wouldn't work and the only way to fix it was a fusion. The disc was crushed, I had several stress fractures and my spine was sliding forward off my tail bone. I'll admit it was painful, but just when I thought the pain couldn't get any worse, I had a fusion. Whenever you think it can't get any worse, trust me it can!

Now L4/L5 is pretty much gone. I also have a cyst in there somewhere. They don't want to do ADR there either. Something about ADR not being to good for the lower back due to the weight. Plus L5/S1 didn't fuse. They need to go in, add more BMP so it will fuse. They said they need to fuse L4/L5 so L5/S1 has something stable to heal with. Who knows? All I do know is my Workers comp doesn't cover ADR, so maybe that is really why they don't want to give it to me.

I can say without a doubt that my pain has gotten progressively worse since my fusion. Maybe it is the cyst? Maybe the surgery itself? Maybe L4/L5 or maybe a combo of them all? I believe it was the fusion surgery cause I have been in horrible pain ever since getting it.

To all of you that have had a successful fusion or ADR or whatever else you had, congratulations! To those who are still suffering, I feel your pain and hope you make a full recovery someday.

We can't lose hope!
Had a 360 lumbar fusion in May 2008 with cages, screws, hardware. It didn't fuse and one of the screws are loose. Also have a tear at L4 but they say it isn't touching the nerve. Have a bulging disc at T6 which causes middle back pain. I'm not even gonna mess with T6.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2011, 12:43 PM
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Default Hybrid

Im new here, i just had a hybrid surgery 5 week ago l4-l5prodic and l5-s1 fusion. Still have lots of leg and foot pain(big toe). This all started after the SED procedure with DR Chistopher Yeung in az. Only had back pain before the SED surgery. My life went down hill after that with all kind of leg and back pain. Im hope the hybrid will help a little but my feet are killing me. Cant walk very far. ONLY 36 great! Help maybe

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2011, 03:01 PM
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Default post hybrid five weeks

Does these prodisc work? It seems like there are to much motion with this disk. All i here about is bad outcomes.I should had done a double fuson. Any takers, having a hard time.
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