Main Street – Bogen
Everything you need is conveniently located on one street. At the south end of the street is a complete market with a bakery located inside (which is open later than the other bakeries). There are a handful of restaurants and café’s with outdoor seating if the weather permits. You can always grab a quick sandwich at the bakery or buy bread or pretzels (the best in the world) and walk to the delicatessen for meat and cheese. Complete the picnic with a stop at the small fruit and vegetable market in the middle of the street.
Located on the north end of the street is Woolworth’s. It’s Very convenient for any forgotten toiletries, clothing or just about anything is you’re not picky.
There are also several clothing and shoe stores, if you have packed wrong or the weather changes.
It’s amazing how much is packed into this pedestrian friendly street and you will truly be shopping with the locals. After several days you will run into the same people walking their dogs. A polite nod and gutten tag will get you a warm reply. Just remember that most stores are closed on Sunday and early every evening.