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iSpine Discuss Pain, Pain, Pain and MORE Pain.... in the Main forums forums; Hi everyone!! Glad to have met a few of you!!! I am posting this to see if I might be ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2007, 03:51 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 4
Default Pain, Pain, Pain and MORE Pain....

Hi everyone!!

Glad to have met a few of you!!!

I am posting this to see if I might be able to get help with it.

I am 28 yrs of age with 3 children. I had a 2 level decompression surgery 3 yrs ago at the levels L4-5 & L5-S1. I hurt my back while at work where I herniated my L5-S1. Had the surgery and I thought it went really well!!! I was so happy to have been able to walk without pain..WOOOO HOOOO!!!

Then I went back to work 4 months after and BAM!!!!! Need I say more??

So after all the PT, ESI etc.. I have come to the conclusion that I have to just learn to deal with the fact that what I have is chronic. I have seen a PMP who seen me and put me on Oxycontin 40mg-2 times a day & Baclofen 10mg-3 times day. I am hoping that SOME day I may again be able to return to the workforce.

Then I have days like the last 3 or 4.......

The other day I was loading my dishwasher, after I finished loading it I closed the door only to feel this SHARP, SHEARING pain in my low back on my right side. It literally dropped me to my knees, and took me a good 10 mins before I could even get back to a vertical position. At that point once I recovered, I immediately applied ice and went to bed...

Next day I woke up and I was sore for sure, it was difficult for me to have to change position without it feeling like the pain would "catch" me. So, I took my time and was careful with EVERYTHING I did. Still applied the ice.

So, here it is almost 4 days later and I tell you!!! I woke up today and there was NO getting out of bed today. In fact, when I do get out of bed and try to walk it HURTS LIKE CRAZY!!!! Yesterday, I noticed if I sat for too long that my legs would hurt, they felt a little numb and get a tingly feeling in them. I never would have thought that all 3 of those would work together, I mean I always thought numb was numb and that I wouldn't be able to feel pain or tingling in them.

Anyways, back to today.......when I get out of my bed to go to the bathroom and have to hang on for dear life to the door frame just so I get get into a sitting position on the toilet, by the time I am able to get back off the toilet to walk back to my room, when I walk I have the WORST prickly kind of sensation. WOW!!! When I read this over I feel like it doesn't make sense at ALL, but I don't really know how to explain it. I never thought in a MILLION years I could have so many symptoms happen all at once..

The point to my post is;

WHAT & HOW could loading a dishwasher and closing the door CAUSE THIS MUCH PAIN??? What could possibly be going on?? I feel like an IDIOT, explaining all the symptoms I am having. It just doesn't seem normal??? Right now as I am typing this I am getting a shooting pain from my left hip to my calf???? GOOD GRIEF!!!! Thank GOD for laptops!!!!

I am sorry that the my 1st post is a novel, complaining about something you have all been through and are no doubt some of you MUCH,MUCH worse than me!! I guess I am just wanting to be able to express how I am feeling, and HOPE that there is someone out there who might be able to understand what I am talking about and know how I am feeling.....

Thanks for taking the time to read this.....I appreciate it!!!!

Hope everyone is having a day with less pain..

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2007, 05:09 PM
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Default Loading dishwasher

Just lost a lengthy reply to you so will try to be more concise.

I think the dishwasher was the straw that broke the camel's back.

You need to rest, use ice intermittantly to relieve muscle spasm or heat if that helps you better (give them both a try and see).. a bag of frozen peas works well against the low back if you've not ice. Use a towel between you and the pees tho~

I injured myself back in '82 transferring a patient from a gurney to a bed. The incident was straw that broke the camel's back for me and I must say I had years of the episodes you're having before having my first spine surgery.

Should you have numbness or loss of use of your extremity/extremities, or severe unrelenting pain, or loss of bowel or bladder tone where you are urinating and/or defecating on yourself without control, you must go to the ER/ED.

Meanwhile hang in there and try to make yourself as comfortable as you can. thanks for posting~
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2007, 07:39 PM
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Different circumstances, same story. I am so sorry for your pain and misery. It sounds like your muscles are in what my doctor calls protective mode, possibly because of a recurrance of your herniation (failed back surgery syndrome), e.g. sitting problems, tingling legs, etc.

Your best bet would be to get a new MRI and find out what's going on back there. When you have a diagnosis, you'll know what you're dealing with and what your options are. Until then, pain relief is pretty much the name of the game. With 3 children, you might not want to increase your meds and rest might not be an option, so listen to Maria and ice your back frequently.

If you can rest, I find zero gravity is better than flat. My best to you, Dale
3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2007, 06:00 AM
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Hi Rose,
So sorry that you are having pain pain and more pain! Yes most of us have been and still are dealing with pain pain and more pain, infact my pain is a real pain!
I had a microdiskectomy with decomp in May 2005. I did so so until Nov Dec 2006. From here the story sounds much like yours, from sneezing to loading or unloading the dishwasher, and hate to say....going to the bathroom. Basically anything that increased pressure in my back. I had lots of days that I could not get up. My original problem was a herniated L5-S1.
It turns out I reherniated same place and I had a great deal of scar tissue from the first surgery. I am not sure if that is what is happening with you but just thought I would throw it out there for you to consider.

You absolutely need an MRI, especially if PT and ESI's haven't helped.
I hope you find some relief soon.
Annular tear L5-S1 1998
Herniated disc L5-S1 2004,PT,ESI's,discectomy 2005
Dynesys 2/2007
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2007, 06:04 PM
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Hi Rose,

For a first time poster - you are doing great. This is a site in which we try to empower those suffering from chronic back pain with knowledge so they can make more informed decisions with their physicians. And we also try to offer an "ear" to those frustrated with their ongoing spine problems.

You are not alone with the symptoms you describe above. Unfortunately, many of us here have lived it or currently living it. This is a great place to unload and receive support from those who really know what living with a spine problem is like.

It looks like you have excellent advice from the previous posters on this thread. A question that I have for you is: What is your doctor(s) telling you in regards to the cause to your ongoing pain issues? Are they saying it is from a disc or some sort of "failed back syndrome" vs something else?

Another good place to start researching answers for your back is to obtain the most current diagnostic reports (MRI, CT, Discogram, X-ray) and compare to what your doctors are telling you. This will help give you some direction and focus for researching / problem solving what is going on.

I hope you are able to get your pain under control soon.

Sending less pain / pain free vibes,
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2007, 11:13 PM
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Default Thank you....

Thanks to all of you for your responses. I appreciate it!!!

PONCHO- They have never actually came up with a diagnosis for the pain I was experiencing. They did an MRI August 06, but from what they said it didn't show anything of concern, so they just told me it is Chronic Low Back Pain.....I mean it is all confusing to me...... I could post a copy of it on here. I don't know how much that is going to show, when it comes to this CRAZY, CRAZY pain I am having now. I wasn't having pain like I am now when they did the last MRI....But, let me know if you would like to read what is said...

I am following the orders of the others, Peas...awesome idea!!

Well, gonna go now....Hope all is well with everyone, and your pain is under control!! Enjoy the weekend!!!

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-09-2007, 08:32 AM
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Location: Norcal
Posts: 101

Your MRI is over a year old and much can change in that time! I really hope you get a new one.
Annular tear L5-S1 1998
Herniated disc L5-S1 2004,PT,ESI's,discectomy 2005
Dynesys 2/2007
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