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iSpine Discuss Fosamax and bone density in the Main forums forums; A while back I posted about the risks for Fosamax users and oral surgery. We have an update from our ...

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Old 07-04-2007, 03:06 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 10
Default Fosamax and bone density

A while back I posted about the risks for Fosamax users and oral surgery. We have an update from our oral surgeon who claims the medical community is becoming more aware of this issue. He told us that these products which some adr recepients have taken to improve their bone density score will continue to be a factor for up to 10 years after discontinuation of use in regards to oral surgery and the danger of bone necrosis of the jaw. The incidence of the phenomenom was stated from 1% to 17% which means just about nothing to a patient. What is significant to me is that the medical community does not have a very good handle on this issue.

According to our doctor, there have recorded cases of jaw necrosis associated with biophosphonate use and the manufacturers of these drugs have known of the link for a long time. We have seen an ad for a class action suit pertaining to this.

Our oral surgeon will only do extractions on Janet if there is absolutely no other choice.
If you have the opportunity, it may seem like a good idea to get every bit of dental work done before trying to raise bone density scores through drug therapy and thereafter be most meticulous in your dental hygiene.

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