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iSpine Discuss "Back" into life without surgery! in the Main forums forums; Hello everyone. Haven't been on a spiney site for awhile now, but Mark asked if I could post a ...

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Old 04-10-2007, 09:01 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 4
Question "Back" into life without surgery!

Hello everyone. Haven't been on a spiney site for awhile now, but Mark asked if I could post a brief version of my personal story. It's been a long journey and I don't know if anything I discovered for myself will be of benefit to any of you out there, but I sincerely hope my experience will provide hope and encouragement for someone else out there who is looking for solutions. I've been there!

In short, after over one year of continual nagging pain and then an additional ten months of excruciating, relentless, radiating pain from my herniated L5-S1 disc, I was planning on disc replacement surgery in Germany. A year and a half later not only have I not had ANY surgery whatsoever, I am off narcotics and have engaged in many activities that I had feared might never do again. It's wonderful and amazing. I have a life!

Before my "miracle" I tried ALL kinds of treatments: chiropractic (which is what set me over the edge); acupuncture; osteopathy; the DRX 9000 machine; massage; Zyflamed anti-inflammatory mixture; lumbar support brace; Traumeel; Flexeril; Vicodin; Elavil; Lortab; endless ibuprofen; and two brands of Norco; specific yoga exercises. I bought an expensive new bed. And did hypnotherapy. And laid on a lot of ice. Most important, I think, is I made myself keep moving.

What do I think helped? Honestly, it's difficult to say for sure what with all the different remedies I tried. The short version is...
  1. Definitely my background in dance and Pilates was a bonus. I honestly believe safe movement is CRUCIAL.
  2. The Mallincrodt brand of Norco helped me get through my days (without the brain fog other narcotics caused me). Recently I stopped the Norco altogether. I just take generic, liquid-filled ibuprofen once or twice a day!
  3. My beautiful, Spring Air mattress enabled me to finally sleep.
  4. Hypnotherapy helped me stay positive throughout my process. One of the first things I was asked to do was to visualize myself in a place I wanted to be within the next year. I visualized myself in my fuscia pink bathing suit at Haunama Bay in Hawaii. Five months later I was there! Whatever works!
  5. Last but not least, time. Time to heal. My poor body just needed some R & R after those devastating chiropractic (so-called) "treatments".
I still think one day I might go to Dr. Zeeger's clinic in Munich for the non-invasive disc cleanup surgery. But then I might not. Surgery has amazing possibilities these days, and I am thankful for that. I just know that in getting this far without it, I am one happy almost "ex" spiney.
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