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iSpine Discuss Mind on Lyrica in the Main forums forums; I took Neurontin, 3600 mg daily, for about 1 year post op. I’ve since switched to Lyrica, 300 mg. ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2007, 03:50 PM
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Default Mind on Lyrica

I took Neurontin, 3600 mg daily, for about 1 year post op. I’ve since switched to Lyrica, 300 mg. daily for the last five months. Though definitely mind altering, my biggest complaint with Neurontin was my eyesight. It has somewhat improved with Lyrica but can still fluctuate from day to day and even morning to night. However, perhaps because some of my mind has returned, I’m far more aware of my decreased mental capacities.
A perfect example of this is reading these posts. I know I’ve read something before but don’t remember the content and must reread them. I confuse one person for another quite often and have difficulty concentrating and staying focused. I believe all of this is more than age related but I’d like to hear from others in their mid-50’s who are and aren’t on these drugs to see how much of what I’m experiencing is related to age vs. meds. My pm says drugs, my gp says age.

At this point, with my nerve damage unchanged for the last several months, it looks like I might be on Lyrica for the rest of my life and I realize I can’t stop the aging process but I play mind games every day in attempts to keep my mental faculties astute. I feel lost and only a percentage of my former self. Sometimes I forget something that happened just moments earlier, more than forgetting where I put something or why I entered a room 5 times, wondering why I did that. I can't even read a book for lack of concentration and this is very distressing.

So, why am I losing my mind? Age or drugs!

Dale... I sometimes even forget how to sign my name and my handwriting has changed?????
3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2007, 04:24 PM
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It sounds like the effects of the medication. Neurontin did this to me without helping the nerve pain symptoms. This was before Topamax & Lyrica were offered around here for nerve pain problems.

Does the Lyrica really help with the nerve pain? I have received feedback from some that say it does and others say that it doesn't. I guess it just depends on the kind of nerve pain you are having.

I hope that the fogginess lifts for you soon.

Take care,
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2007, 09:23 PM
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Default Your mind on drugs

Oh my gosh! The anti-seizure drugs definitely impair cognitive function big time. I was on Zonegran a few years ago and forgot my telephone number, my boss' name, and my husband's birthday. I worked great for the pain, but, I couldn't stand the effect it was having on my mind.

Hope you find some good solutions.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2007, 11:31 PM
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Default re changes

I've been on Neurontin since 1998. I used to read so much that I'd have 3 books going at the same time and finish them in one week, and that was while working full time and being able to go out, work out and so forth~

Since starting Methadone in 2001 I found that the concentration with the two drugs has been difficult and I also went thru some eyesight changes altho I had laser surgery on my eyes several months prior to onset of starting Methadone.

I don't concentrate terribly well tho can read if I'm interested and my eyes don't start playing tricks on me with blurring and so forth. I had even gotten reading glasses but later found I didn't need them. For about a year or so I could read well without any blurring or actually in ability to focus well.

It now seems I can focus sometimes, and sometimes not. My reading prescription has not changed much in the last few years and my dosage of medication hasn't changed at all.

I'm 53 and mostly just feel distracted much of the time and I do believe that's the meds combined with my life at the moment. I have always loved to read so I continue to try... and then try to remember what I just read!!!!

My memory has taken the biggest dive I think~ age & meds with a big emphasis on the meds!!!!!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-29-2007, 01:09 PM
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Lyrica can cause these problems- - -is it helping your pain though??

I have found with my patients it is either brilliant and works well or is useless- -- no inbetween
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-29-2007, 02:03 PM
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Default re changes..

As Alastair brought up...is the Lyrica helping w/the pain? The Neurontin may make me forgetful (coupled with Methadone) but if I can function and get outside, do things, be around others rather than living at home restricted to bed or very limited activities, I take functioning w/less pain over my memory/concentration for now at least!! Have made adaptive changes re memory with calendar systems in whatever I'm wearing, carrying or have at home~ concentration I hope can become part of my daily routine once I get more focused on priorities again.
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