Can Taking Proton Pump Inhibitors such as Prevacid Relate to Weakening of Discs???
Posting this now as I happened to be reading quite an earlier post from someone that had found an artivle on my question, but the page will not post now from link. Any doctors or those with expertise here please comment--just curious and wanted to know is it possible for someone having to take the drug Prevacid--a Proton Pump Inhibitor--and has been great dealing with Acid Reflux but taking it religiously every day as needed for some 3-4 years can this lead to Osteoporosis and/or weakening of the discs? I just had a successful L4/L5 lumbar microdecompression surgery in this area and recuperating fine, but when I read that post it was bothersome. Please comment when time permits! Thanks in advance! rutman