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iSpine Discuss 3 Year ADR Update in the Main forums forums; The 3 year anniversary was Aug 22 but with MGH down I didn't have anywhere to post an update. ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2006, 12:23 AM
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Default 3 Year ADR Update

The 3 year anniversary was Aug 22 but with MGH down I didn't have anywhere to post an update. So here ya go...

Surgery Date: Aug 22, 2003
Charite L5S1/Zeegers
At time of surgery
49 yo, male, BMI 22, no smoke, otherwise healthy

At 3 years post-op
Bilateral pain at the L5S1 level. There is a sharp soreness pain that is motion dependant. There's a mostly persistent component of pain that I describe as being hyperextended to the point of great discomfort or pain. Putting the lumbar spine in flexion helps reduce the discomfort. As a result I sleep curled up in a ball. There's a deep ache that comes from the L5S1 area that I attribute to the facets, although I can't say for sure. Finally I noticed this, if I get out of my rather small allowable activity envelope it feels like I've sprained something. Typically this marks the beginning of a flare-up that can last a day or over a week. I'm not always sure what brings this on. If you've ever wretched the bejeebers out of your ankle to the point where it swells up like a softball you know the feeling.

After 3 years of being undecided about the success of the surgery, I've decided it wasn't the best choice. Of course I'll never know how the other courses of action might have turned out. Those would have been to live with pain until I auto-fused or to have a surgical fusion.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2006, 05:05 AM
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Smile Reply to Jim 3yrs post op

Hi Jim
My Name is Lorna, I am an Aussue mum of 4 who is now 20mths post L5-S1 disc replacement. I have the same sort of pain as you by the sound of it! Burning pain at the disc site leval that extends bilaterally down both legs to my toes. One day the right leg is the worst the next it may be the left leg. I know my pain is related to motion but have no idea which one!! Lifting over about 5kgs is an automatic week pain increase as is sex but hey, you gotta live! I am 34 yrs old and first injured myself in 2004 so I, like you feel too young for this pain stuff. I have always wondered if a fusion would have been the better option but was told the disc was #$%& so ADR was only choice. In research I have done post-op it seems that sooooooo many post ADR pts (especially with lower lumber discs) havehuge ongoing nerve and pain issues. I am having a Neurostimulator implanted next week which will apparantly change the pain to a tingling instead, heres hoping anyway!! I hope you feel less alone knowing that I know EXACTLY what your pain feels like! People who have not felt it would have no idea, it interrupts your thought processes and your whole functioning not to mention the depression that inevitably comes with it. Keep your chin up and my magic INSTANT PAIN RELIEF IS HOT WATER BOTTLES UNDER DISC SITE AND LEGS RAISED ON PILLOWS WITH HOT PACKS UNDER THE WHOLE LEG IT IS INSTANT HEAVEN UNTIL THEY COOL DOWN! mIGHT WORK FOR YOU? i HAVE RESEARCHED HAVING THE DISC REMOVED AND A FUSION DONE BUT IT WILL ONLY CAUSE MORE NERVE PAIN AND AS L5-S1 IS AT THE JUNCTION OF MAJOR VESSELS, IT IS LIFE-THREATENING SURGERY SO REALLY LOOK INTO IT. i SLEEP ON MY RIGHT SIDE WITH A PILLOW BETWEEN MY KNEES AND HOT PACKS HELD AT THE DISC SITE BY TRUSTY UNDIES!! VALIUM IS ALSO GOOD FOR SLEEP AND AS IT IS A MUSCLE RELAXANT IT TENDSTO STOP NOCTURNAL SPASAMING OF THE BACK( BUT IS NOT AN EVERY NIGHT THING ONLY "A CAN'T STAND IT ANY MORE NIGHT THING"). tAKE cARE MATE, THINKING OF YOU! lORNA
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2006, 05:46 PM
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I have a client who had 2-level Dynesys implanted behind 2-level Charite on Thursday. He had the 'tilting vertebrae' that we sometimes see. We have no idea what the long-term outcome will be, but if the Dynesys corrects the tilt, as it did in Carmont's case, he should look forward to a good outcome. He has some surgery induced thigh numbness, but that is not unexpected and seems minor. Hopefully, it will fade in days or weeks. Upon waking from the surgery, the numbness and pain in his feet and lower legs was gone. Again, too early to draw any conclusions. As he resumes more normal activites, we'll see. I'll report significant events as I learn them... or maybe he'll come and post.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2006, 06:53 PM
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I'm 3 weeks post-op L4-5 ProDisc. Now you guys are worrying me. When did your pain worsen, or did it just never go away post-surg?? I feel great, aside from minor leg pain that seems to be getting better, and an ache in my spine that varies with activity. It also seems to be improving. I'm just hoping it never comes back!!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2006, 11:24 PM
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Everyone is different and though we look for someone who has similar problems, you shouldn't look for them before they hatch. If your leg pain is getting better and as long as you take it slow, you have every reason to believe all will be well.

If and when... etc., don't waste your energies worrying about something that may never be a problem.

I wish you continued luck with your recovery.

3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2006, 10:18 PM
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Posts: 1

I'm new here.Is there anyone getting ready for spine surgery in germany 3 levels
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