Hello there.
I am new to this site - though sadly not new to pain. I am 38 and was 34 when a sudden and relentless, constant 24/7 crippling attack of pain struck one morning - in my groin and back, with increased urinary frequency. I won't go into the long history of the almost 20 surgical interventions I've had - all of them making the pain worse, some possibly causing further symptoms and diseases.. namely arachnoiditis ! I am not yet diagnosed, though EVERYTHING points to that (particularly the findings in my post op reports).. Anyway. My main question is... is surgery an option? If so, are the results safe? Permanent? And if so, who specialises in this field? I live in Spain but am from England. I have travelled to Istanbul (to have Pudendal Nerve Decompression surgery) and more recently Cyprus (to have a Tarlov Cyst removed) and so am willing to travel - though am now very disabled and bordering on broke..! Though if the right GENUINE Dr could be found, I'd raise the money and crawl there! I would really welcome any replies as I feel SO terrified, guilty (on the impact this is having on my Mother), incredibly depressed, shocked, and WORN OUT with the relentless nightmare of constant, off the wall, 10/10 PAIN...

Thank you in advance of any replies - Fiona