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iSpine Discuss Hello, Im new and here is my story in the Main forums forums; Hello, I have DDD on my l5-s1 for about 9 years now and finally taking matters into my own ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2014, 03:50 PM
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 39
Default Hello, Im new and here is my story


I have DDD on my l5-s1 for about 9 years now and finally taking matters into my own hands. I'm only 35 and can't do anything without fear of putting my back into pain.

I found Dr. Zeegers and have been working with him to get my second opinion done. Doing all my home work he gave me. I

decided with Dr Zeegers because he appears to be one of the Best. I was going to go to Steum with DR Ritter-lang but read too many horror stories with him, thus why I seeked out another. Dr. Bertagnoli alto seems to be very good. I am not sure which one I should go with.


As I mentioned I am only 35, I have two boys 9 & 10 that I would love to run and pay with, but I can't due to my bad back.

I would like to get the ADR done, however I am pretty nervous about it. You always hear about the bad stories and the complications and very rarely the good ones.

I don't know if I am getting cold feet or not, it's just that 1. i can live with the pain I am in, or 2, I can take a chance on ADR and hope it works.

Can people on here share their experiences with DR Zeegers on thread? E.g the whole process. Pre and post op. I have sever DDD so I know my muscles and ligaments will need time to stretch once the ADR is in.

But if someone could give me a good over view of the whole process what to expect, what to be concerned about, this would be great!.

Last edited by Karger; 02-04-2014 at 05:38 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2014, 03:25 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 2,405
Default surgical outcome forum

You might want to check this part of the forum out to get some of the information you'd like. Eventually someone will reply to you (besides me) that has had ADR surgery ( I was a candidate and had surgery authorized a few times but didn't have it).

Please check your private mail (if it's enabled).

good luck with your spinal endeavors and take care~ Maria
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2014, 05:38 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 1

Hi Karger,

I know of a specialist in Dallas, TX. He's nationally recognized Pain Management Specialist and his patients come from all over the country and Canada. His name is Dr. Jason Williams, he treats a wide variety of conditions, having exceptional expertise with the following:

Low Back Pain
Herniated Disc
Bulging Disc
Neck Pain
Thoracic Spine.

His skill and knowledge as one of Dallas’ elite surgeons is equaled only by his warmth and compassion for helping patients regain an active and pain-free lifestyle. For more information about Dr. Williams, he has a website jasonawilliamsmd.com.

I hope this information could somehow help you.
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adr, zeegers

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