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iSpine Discuss Richie braces (foot orthotic/brace) in the Main forums forums; I got my combo orthotic and foot/leg braces (bilat) and they're really very supportive and nearly comfortable. Could ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2013, 07:02 PM
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Default Richie braces (foot orthotic/brace)

I got my combo orthotic and foot/leg braces (bilat) and they're really very supportive and nearly comfortable. Could be better re the comfort leg brace part but I'll take the fact that my feet are feeling better and I'm able to walk more again!

The reason I'm posting about the braces is because there are variations of the Richie brace for different conditions. There are several for varying degrees of footdrop and other foot or health conditions that affect the functioning of the foot.

Please take a moment to google the Richie Brace. I got the standard version and am seeing Dr. Richie in Seal Beach CA for treatment of my condition (unrelated to my back~ just life long flat footed person who developed Posterior Tibial Tendonitis).
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2013, 02:30 AM
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Posts: 255

Hi Maria,

Are you sure there wasn't some affects from your back. Dr. Coufal just discovered I have some weakness in my feet most probably from L4-5. I'll say more about it in the other thread I had going.

Either way I'm happy your Richie brace is working out for you!

2003 L5S1 Charite
1981 L5S1 Discectomy
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2013, 01:45 PM
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Default re my feet

I'll be seeing my OSS this morning and discuss that with him. I don't think I have any weakness re my feet other than the Posterior tibial tendonitis which is a mean entity within itself.

I have kept up with podiatry and OSS appointments over the years but I wouldn't ever rule anything out completely so hopefully my OSS will have time to check that out today (and hopefully I'll remember to ask if I have to sit in the waiting room for a long period and just want to get out of there with a Toradol injection)!

I did read your other post so I see why you inquired.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2013, 09:15 PM
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Default re OSS visit

I saw my OSS today and he gave me a shot of Toradol for my low back. I asked him about the possibility of my back creating my ankle weakness or being involved and he said from the sound of it (I described what's been going on this past year) it's definitely all Posterior Tibial Tendonitis though he encouraged me to have the podiatrist get MRIs of my ankles to see how frayed the tendons might be.

I don't know whether to call and mention this to the podiatrist because I imagine he would have done this if he thought it was necessary to make the diagnosis and treat but I see that the didn't before prescribing the braces and this is his area of specialty so hate to say "my OSS said you should..." I have had this condition for 5 years now and been seen by one Ortho and 3 podiatrists for it. I think Dr. Richie has had a better than average success rate with persons utilizing these braces for this condition.

Oh well.. anyway I got a shot of Toradol for my back and that helped a lot because when I bent over today at one point my back seized up on me with muscle spasms and pain so I knew there'd be more of that to follow if not eased up a bit with the T injection.

Onward to the wearing of the braces!

Last edited by Maria; 12-19-2013 at 09:18 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2013, 03:54 AM
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Posts: 255

It was just a thought. Good luck with the brace.

2003 L5S1 Charite
1981 L5S1 Discectomy
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2013, 07:50 AM
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Default It was a good thought Jim

If I didn't have the painful tendon condition but rather weakness I would have thought it related to my back possibly as well because so many things can be so it was a good thought and I'm glad you reminded me so I could bring it up to the OSS.

After a bit more research on the necessity of MRI for my foot condition I decided not to mention what my OSS said to Dr. Richie. I think if I don't improve with the braces I would but they feel great re my feet.. not so great re my legs as they're a bit cumbersome compared to not wearing anything.

The problem I have is driving though.. I can't maneuver my foot and leg well with that much stuff (weight too) on because it feels like I have a "clodhopper" on or a super big heavy foot. So I have to bind my foot up with a soft brace and drive shoeless. It's such a pain to put take this stuff off and put in on in the car! I wish I still had my mini van even though my Mitsubishi Montero is big and has electric seats it's still a big pain to take do all this stuff each time I want to get in and out of the car!

Though that's really the only complaint I have as ultimately I have been far more mobile with my feet either bound with soft braces and use of orthotics and really supportive tennis shoes and/or my new Richie Braces! Yay!!!
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