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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2011, 03:21 AM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 38
Default Shoulder Blade ache that makes me wanna kill myself!!!!


If I am forced to deal with this shoulder blade ache for the rest of my life then someone please kill me before I do it myself! This ache is relentless and it intensifies when I cough or when I sniffle too. It does not seem to rear its ugly head when I am busy with activity or such. When I sit or stand still foe very long it is there in such an agonizing way I can't stand it. It is my left inner shoulder blade and I am at my wits end with it!! I went to the neurologist Nd had a cervical emg done and I have a trapped ulnar nerve that has to be released by surgery. So I have read that it can cause inner shoulder blade pain and am praying to GOD that it helps relieve this ache. I guess I had double crush syndrome since I had this nerve (c8) entrapped in two different places. I will get the surgery on may 31st. I cannot live like this anymore and I am so stressed out and worried that the 3 level adr was not successful and that the c8 nerve root is sti compressed that it makes me sickto thinkabout it. My neurologist sId wait and see what
The ulnar nerve surgery does and then a myleo ct is next.

Mark, I have not forgotten about the pics either! I have just finished my semester at school and will be emailing them to u for u to post. Life has Been so hectic latley and to do it in pain just makes it harder.I feel like Dr. Clavel did a good job and he reassured me that he thoroughly decompressed the c8 nerve root since he knew this was the herniation that was causing me all the problems. He said they took extrA time cleaning it out and decompressing the foraminal openings before placing the m6 disc. My mind is racing about thinking I may have a entrapped nerve somewhere else from the trama had during the weightlifting accident where I injured my c7/t1 disc. Maybe a subscapular nerve or TOS or brachial plexus injury. Also a long thoracic nerve entrapment or something. I feel like I can rub it out sometimes but I have it rubbed so hard I am bruised afterwards (girlfriends hands). So I just don't know anymore or where to start if the myleo shows nothing. I could just kill myself as I am not accustomed to this type of unrelenting pain. It has emotionally and physically exhausted me. I am so glad I finished my semester At school... But I will be starting the RN program in august and don't know if I can pull through those 2 years with this pain. I am just venting and fusterated so I apologize for the post as I k ow there are others much worse than me. I have to find a solutionto this or I am going to go crazy and just finish myself off. I have had broken bones facial fractures, stitches, staples, other surgeries and a whole host of injuries and I have never had to deal with this type of never leAve u alone pain before. Iam just at my wits end and needed to vent. Also may 9th will 5 months post. So any advice or words of encouragement would be nice. Thank you everyone for listening.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2011, 09:55 AM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 74

Hey man, I know the feeling... keep your head up.

If the pain is at that level where its just exhausting you and is chaotic then you get a pounding... I hope they can clear it up soon.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2011, 04:27 PM
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Vent away, complain, rant, use your 4-letter language skills - whatever. It's okay.

I know there is no comparison to nerve pain. It just is and it hurts. Usually, only heavy duty meds can touch it.

If another surgery has to be, then that's what you have to do but before going under the knife again, I would seek a second opinion, especially from Dr. Clavel. See what he has to say.

Then don't panic - it does sound like relief is possible so take a deep breath, which I know is hard to do - and then do whatever is necessary. You'll get there.

Good luck, Dale
3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2011, 06:04 PM
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Default nasty pain

That lingers and reminds us how miserable it can make us. I do remember echoing your feelings re my own pain at one time. Thankfully it's been a long time since I experienced that degree/type of pain. Good to hear the pain isn't as dreadful or present when you're moving but then again there's enough things we have to do that require a fairly still positioning and studying is one of them so concentration must surely be an issue.

Sounds like there's options, I do hope there are and that you will find the one that works best for you even if it is going under the knife again. I do wonder if there's a way for the entrapment to be released w/o surgery? Then again one does what they have to if it's the prescribed course of action to remove/remedy the prob.

Oh yeah, vent away. We all get it here.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2011, 11:01 PM
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Jarrod, I'm so sorry that you continue to suffer. One thing at a time though... if the indications are clear for the trapped ulnar nerve, you'll have to take care of that first. But, please explain??? Isn't the trapped ulnar nerve a local problem that is DOWNSTREAM of the scapular pain you are experiencing. How can it refer upstream?

Have you tried lidoderm patches? If not, you might want to ask your doc about them. The help me with the referred pain that is caused by the muscles getting tired from the constant guarding or spasms. As I understand it, there is almost no systemic value and the drug remains local, so there is little risk associated with them. But... always check with your doc... don't believe what you read on the internet!

Re: nursing school... work ahead while you can... I remember the enormous amount of memorization that was required of Diane.

I look forward to seeing your films.

Oh yes... take note of what flares you up and do what you can to avoid it. This seems obvious, but for so many people, paying close attention and making appropriate lifestyle changes can make a huge difference. (spoken by the guy who spent all day yesterday throwing zoey around... wrestling with her... no taking my own advice. I'm paying for it very severely today... really hurting badly.)

All the best,

1997 MVA
2000 L4-5 Microdiscectomy/laminotomy
2001 L5-S1 Micro-d/lami
2002 L4-S1 Charite' ADR - SUCCESS!
2009 C3-C4, C5-C6-C7, T1-T2 ProDisc-C Nova
Summer 2009, more bad thoracic discs!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2011, 02:15 AM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 38

Hi guys,

From what I've been reading inner shoulder blade pain is a common symptom of ulnar nerve entrapment, it either goes downward from the elbow or upward skipping the upper arm area (bicep,tricep )area. My neurologist said let's get through the ulnar nerve surgery first and see if it helps relieve the shoulder blade ache which it might do he said. My emg shows something in the neck region c8 nerve that is going on and I don't kno how to read the numbers on the test results so I guess we will tackle that after the ulnar surgery.

The weird thing is that my neck feels good, some pain with extreme flexion that mimics th shoulder blade pain but that's it. And I can mow the grass clean the house and walk the dog with no pain. When I go to study or watch a little tv or am sitting at work I am in agony, it is a knawing without mercy du ache that just sits on the inner left shoulder blade and never stops unless I lay down. If I knew my body was able to get use to the dull ache I could deal with it, but it just dosent seem to be able too. Also when I cough or sniffle upward (watch out as it lights me up ) and it definitely intensifies the ache In the shoulder blade.

I believe I am suffering from a double crunch syndrome of the c8 nerve which is the ulnar nerve further down the arm ( same nerve with an entrapment in two different locations) boy am I lucky. So I finished school today and I am ready to get to the root of this pain over the summer while I'm free. I am just so worried that as I wait the nerve is being compromised and hurt further..

I feel like my injury was a compression stress to the disc. Weightlifting 200lbs over my head is what hurt me and I know it seems like alot of weight but I've been lifting like that for 15 years so it was never a factor and I never had any back or neck problems so I just did it as part of my routine. Don't forget I am 6'3 255 lbs so I could move some weight around. So what I'm getting at is maybe if it's not the spinal nerve root that is compressed then maybe when it everything gave way I compressed the brachial exams or the long thoracic nerve or caused TOS. I remember having this same pain ache before surgery too. So my injury caused this. I pray that the nerve root is not the cause of pain, but Dr. Clavel reassured me that he did a very, very through job cleaning out and decompressing the c8 nerve root before placing the m6 disc. The myleo I hope will tell me the truth.

What are the odds that the disc that is left in onthe sides is causing me pain. It's that possible?? I know that when I herniated that c7/t1 disc the arm pain was unbearable (literally) I wanted to rub my arm off. My pain is not he same as that. So I just don't kno and I feel my road to diagnosing the problem is so long and tedious.. So thank you all for listi
Listening and I'll keep u all informed as any info is appreciated.

May we all find relief in the end!

Sincerely, Jarrod
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