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iSpine Discuss 2nd day w/zero Neurontin in the Main forums forums; I'm so happy! I thought my PM would be impressed but really I don't think he cared. Not ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 07:56 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Default 2nd day w/zero Neurontin

I'm so happy! I thought my PM would be impressed but really I don't think he cared. Not sure why I thought he would however it means so much to me to have stopped taking this stuff and even if I have to take a little it's surely better than the 1800mg/day!

So no neuropathies so far and had a busy active day yesterday up until about 10pm. At night I felt some buttock sciatic type of light strained feeling but nothing big deal. Didn't wake up with it and hasn't progressed. Felt this after dropping dosage down to 600 then 300mg as well and went away so hoped it would.

Big test will be to see if my lower extremities continue to feel this good with increased activity.

I asked my PM about Suboxone again which I have every time I've seen him for the last year and a half but he said he couldn't prescribe it at this current practice. I think he may eventually leave this practice tho not sure if I want to wait that long. Will see how things go.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 04:36 AM
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Maria, how is it going... still good?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 08:10 AM
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Default doing ok

Hey Mark,
went out to a comedy club on Fri. night in San Diego and then Sat. rode back w/hub tho we had to make a stop at the Vet's for Lola and were there over an hour. My body was tired Sat. as I only had about 2 hours sleep so much later in the day had a pretty good little backache from the sitting going on tho no painful neuropathies.

Same thing this morning. Backache that went away about midday (after taking pain med around 10a.m helped too).

Did notice a very brief feeling of some light burning pain bilat in thighs but went away almost as soon as I noticed it.

So far, so good (no Neurontin since this past Wednesday).
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