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iSpine Discuss spinal cord stimulator in the Main forums forums; Hello, I'm a 59 yr. old male and have severe cronic sacrum pain only when I sit down for ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 10:29 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: north central florida
Posts: 1
Default spinal cord stimulator

Hello, I'm a 59 yr. old male and have severe cronic sacrum pain only when I sit down for over 6 years. First was told it was coccyx pain, now after everything from 21 Epidurals plus hyracodone, fentinal, oxycodone, to oxycontin, then having the coccyx removed Dec. 08.( I don't wish that surgury on anyone, also didn't help) Been swapping off between oxycotin and 10mg. methadone every six hours for the last 2 years. The pain is as bad or worse than it's ever been. Obviously wasn,t in the coccyx to begin with, it's still in the exact same place as it has always been...In the Sacrum. Now off to another new pain managment dr. ( you notice I didn't capitalize that) This one wants to put in a spinal cord stimulator on a 3 day trial basis but put it down on the Sacrum to see if that works or not...Can anyone tell me anything about having experience with this? If this don't work on me he wants to maybe insert a pain pump in me using Morphine( don't like the sound of that).
Also does anyone know anything about the drug Prealt? Made from the venum of cone snails, said to be a wonder drug for pain. I know that it is an injected drug, it's none narcotic or habit forming and as far as I can tell was approved be the FDA in 2004. The dr. scoffed at it saying it's too expensive, I don't know if my insurance would cover it, blue cross blue shield ppo..
Sorry for being a windbag, so glad to have found this site........
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2010, 01:50 AM
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Longview, TX
Posts: 68

I also suffer from coccyx pain. I tried the stimulator for the three day trial a few months ago. I had to turn it up to such a high level to feel relief around my tailbone that my legs would about kill me. I decided to not get it because I couldn't deal with my legs feeling like that. My legs already hurt and it was just adding to the pain. I had a fusion at L5/S1 over a year ago and haven't had any relief in pain. I am on a new medicine that seems to be helping so far. But, I am sure it won't last long. I know we are told to stay positive, but dang it is hard when you have tried so much meds and all the other treatments without any relief.
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