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iSpine Discuss Here's My Story in the Main forums forums; Hello everyone, Well I'm here to share my story with you all and share some information as well. I'...

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Old 05-02-2010, 06:17 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 3
Default Here's My Story

Hello everyone,

Well I'm here to share my story with you all and share some information as well. I'll try to make it less tedious.

I am a 21 year old male and a College Student. About 8-10 moths ago I started feeling pain down my lower back everytime I walked anywhere, suddenly it started sooo bad that I could even walk 5 feet.

Think about it, A college student needs to walk so much for classes with a backpack, I use to nearly fall to the ground because of pain especially in Summer. On top of that I am a student worker on Campus which made things more difficult.

So got an MRI done and this is what came out:

"At L4-L5, there is an approximately 9mm right paracentral and posterolateral disc herniation. This is producing marked impression upon the lateral recess and neural formation"

I went to the therapist and he started Decompression therapy on a Machine called "Spine-Med" I was doing decompressions for 3 times a week for almost 6 weeks. But my pain was still there. Then he recommended I get Epidural Steroid injections (3 of them, which drained out my insurance). What's more sad is it worked for a day everytime and then pain was back.

When I was almost to end of my therapy he got a machine called DXR9000. It was unique machine which literally pulls your back to proper decompression stretch. It started to work on me and I was almost recovered.

Unfortunately my therapy time was ending, I told him to let me do more sessions on this machine but those stupid injections really screwed up my insurance since they were given in a Hospital with Annesthesia.

Anyways as of today my pain has went from Excruciating to Bad. Which is okay because atleast I can walk now. So if any of you are about to consider decompression look for a doctor with DXR9000 machine. Many doctors will say "Oh our machines do the same thing as that one" But in reality no they do not.

Another option if u have bad pain: Try to buy an inversion table. I recently bought a Teeter Hang Ups, and it gives fair amount of relief but if ur condition is like me DO NOT DO FULL INVERSIONS, just do 60 degree inversions and it will help.

Also if u have access to Gym, look for a Back Flex machine and do not put weights over 60-70lbs.

Speaking of gyms, I think when I was about 17-18yr old I did those weight Squats which I think triggered this pain, but at that time nothing really happened but I felt that something in my back went wrong, I guess over the years it was getting weaker and BAM!

Since my pain is still there, I am waiting on Insurance to settle down a bit and I will find a doctor with DXR9000 machine and hopefully recover 100 percent.

Seriously, I am only 21. I shouldn't even know what back pain is, I should be going out there enjoying life with friends and being involve in school. But I can't! I have freakin gained 40lbs since this pain. I cannot go to gym because anything I do triggers it. I really do not want to gain anymore weight because I'm seriously looking like I have a beer belly.

I feel so shitty literally like Constantine!

Anyways hope this helps some of you! Feel free to ask or advise me anything!


Last edited by Constantine; 05-02-2010 at 06:24 AM.
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