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Old 12-02-2006, 06:47 PM
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Default 1 year post-op

Well it’s time to post my one year post-op, though it’s more like almost 14 months. In a nutshell, though I consider my 3 level pro-disc S1-L4 a success, during my surgery, the nerve root to my left leg was irritated resulting in a ‘dead’ leg. The recovery from this nerve damage has been slow and hampered by my American doctor. I have since changed medical professionals and am being cared for by Dr. Lauryssen, in Los Angeles, (thanks Allen) and with pt, am on the road to as much recovery as is possible. Per Mark’s recommendation, he ordered a nerve test which revealed that my nerves are still continuing to regenerate, a very positive sign, and did not feel that a myleogram was necessary.

I now recommend Dr. Campion, also in Los Angeles, to anyone needing a nerve test. He was quick and as painless as possible for this unpleasant test and though I originally protested, I now realize that the pain generated is up to the doctor performing it. I would have it again if necessary. Something I have not yet seen of these forums is that Dr. Campion recommended vitamin B12 as beneficial to nerve regeneration. I have now added this along with B complex to my daily regimen of 15 different medication and supplements, some several times daily. Funny but I still consider myself to be generally healthy despite my recent fainting while dining in a restaurant with friends. This most embarrassing incident, complete with paramedics and a rather expensive ride to the hospital revealed a previously undiagnosed anemia which added iron and hrt to the mix. I’m also told that osteoporosis may be an issue. The good news is that Dr. Campion feels that nerves can regenerate for up to 3 years.

Because of the well documented side effects of Neurontin I have succeeded in getting BC to cover Lyrica but am finding it to be only slightly better. My eyesight is still negatively affected but to a lesser degree and I am still not able to form the deep concentration levels necessary for doing what I do despite constantly doing mind games/puzzles. I do hope that I will not be on this drug for the rest of my life but time will tell. My pain management doctor does feel that I will be able to get off Soma and Celebrex long before the Lyrica.

My back does hurt occasionally and I find stooping almost impossible. My sitting tolerance can be as long as almost all day, especially if I remember my posture and don’t lean forward, which causes reminiscent back pain. However, inexplicably, there are some days I can’t sit at all, albeit not very often??? I can bend forward pretty painlessly and lift my 3 year old grandson, though my husband frowns on that little item. I do find that carrying my 4 month old grandson to be more difficult, possibly because it’s for a longer period of time. The cute dimpled face requires constant motion! Unfortunately, I can only walk or stand for short periods of time. Currently, I can do a maximum of 15 minutes on the treadmill if I push it, but do much better when walking with the stroller or holding onto a shopping cart. I am exhausted after a trip to Costco though. My pt is working my leg very hard, mindful of the ‘window’ for nerve regeneration. Though not proven, the thought process is - working the muscle is very helpful and we are proceeding along those lines. My leg is jelly within that short hour but fully recovers by the following morning. I have my home exercises but stop short of rendering my leg useless.

I would say that on a whole, my body is still is pretty bad shape but getting stronger everyday. It’s amazing what vegetating for 4 years can do to a body. On a good note, I have graduated from aquatic therapy and am now completely on land. I do enjoy the water and still plan on pool activities as I can which naturally is more of a summer sport. I also think it’s safe to assume that I will not be joining Paulette’s adr ski party.

My best to all, Dale
3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it
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