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iSpine Discuss ADR and Fusion combined?? in the Main forums forums; I have searched the archived threads for a question I have, but was unable to find it. I am 39 ...

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Old 08-31-2009, 11:54 PM
Pain-In-FL's Avatar
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Florida
Posts: 6
Question ADR and Fusion combined??

I have searched the archived threads for a question I have, but was unable to find it. I am 39 years old. I have 3 cervical herniated discs at the 3-4, 4-5and 5-6 level, and have had this condition for the past 9 years. I had intermittent pain for the first 8 years, but then it turned into constant pain in my neck that radiates to my shoulders and between my shoulder blades. The first Neurosurgeon I saw said there was nothing he could do for me because the pain I was having did not match up to the disc that was the most protruding, and I didn't have any numbness in my limbs so he could only recommend PT and pain meds to help me manage my life with this. I decided to go for a second opinion with an Orthopedic surgeon, he told me what the other Dr said did not make sense to him, but he didn't recommend I have a 3 level fusion because of the chance of messing up the good discs above and below the fused ones, so he sent me to 12 weeks of PT with no success, and then he had me try a Methylprednisolone dospak which I had a few months of relief from, but does not work anymore, he then sent me for facet joint injections, and that didn't work, so now he is saying there is nothing more he can do for me. I am not having the best of luck with Doctors, that's for sure. I am now searching for a new Dr., that can give me some kind of help, or advise.

Has anyone heard of a surgeon doing a cervical artificial disc replacement and then fusing the discs above and below it, so there would not be an issue with the wear on the good discs?

Please help me with your opinions, ideas or suggestions.

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