Regards to all members,
I am registered to a few forums, but this is one that is most appropriate to detailed explanation of our problems.
I am 47 years old women, with back problems in last 10 years. "Standard" sciatica problems during whole lifetime. I went to physiatrists, orthopeadics, chiro's, neurosurgeons...
During all this years (10), I received tons of injections, which all helped, and I was always able to work, sleep, sit down, walk for few km's (miles).
But with time, my conditions was getting worse and worse. I started to have constant leg and middle-right back pain.
My doctor sent me to a MRI and told me I must see a neurosurgeon. Immediatly I found best neurosurgeon in my country and went to see him. After looking at my images, after just 2 minutes he scheduled me to a surgery. That was around 18 months ago. I was operated on levels L3/4 (disc extrusion).
I was so happy, I was hopping this is the end. I will continue with my life... BUT... It all started wrong during rehab. I was not able to exercise, go to pool, sit, stand, anything. I was just lying in bed and getting injections for 3 weeks.
Also, important thing to notice is that I had raised body temperature from day of my first surgery. I have around 37.5 celsius, and normal is bellow 36.9.
I scheduled appointment with my neurosurgeon, he looked into new MRI and he told "You can go back home, all is all right"... He didn't even listened to me when I told I cannot walk or sit down. He just told "You need to wait a little longer".
After that I seen him aprox 5-7 times, every time he just said "I am sorry".
Aproximatly 15 months after that first surgery, I decided to change hospital and neurosurgeon. That was very hard decision, because everyone told he is THE BEST.
My son found me one of the best neurosurgeons in this part of Europe, scheduled me an appointment... This one is really good, skilled and perspective.
Educated at AlphKlinik Germany, Cleveland Spine Center, etc.
After seeing me for 2 minutes he started laughing. His words are:
"You should never underwent a surgery".
I told him: "Doctor, they tell me all is right, but I cannot live with this pains".
He told: "How can they say its all right, when it isn't"
Immediatly he scheduled me for a endoscopic discectomy L4 left and told me "This can help you only 10%, your spine problem is much more complexe".
Indeed, after surgery I feeld 10% better, leg pain is gone, but knife is still in my low back

Few days after surgery he made a new MRI, which shown:
HIZ, High-Intensity zone in L4/5.
I studied this condition very well, I ordered articles from Briting Journal of Radiology (Bogduk And Aprill's article) and I found out HIZ is predictive sign for Grade 4 or even Grade 5 annular tear.
I am just not sure is it possible that HIZ causes such a terrible pains.
EDIT: I forgot to describe my current condition and write about surgeries.
1st surgery November 2007: Extrusio disci i.v. LIII-IV 1.dex.
Surgery: Interlaminectomy LIII-IV dex., Ablatio disci i.v., Foraminotomy radicis L4 dex.
2nd surgery Februarry 2009
Surgery type: Endoscopic discectomy and decompression L4 root right
My current condition: constant middle back pain. Not able to walk, sit or lay in bed for more than 15 minutes.
Life almost destroyed, looking forward to seeing my neurosurgeon in 2 weeks time.
Thanks everyone for their time on reading this.