Since I am now looking at mixed levels, that include both ADR and fusion in both the cervical and lumbar levels, I have many questions. Dang, I have spent a year and a half investigating ADR, especially Maverick discs, and being very happy with the results.
Now I am looking at the unknown...I am not sure yet which artificial disc I will be in the lumbar at the L3/4 and one in the cervical at C4/5. Then I'll probably get fusion at C5/6 and L4/5 and L5/S1. Other than knowing I didn't want fusion at all levels, I didn't do my research for having it. I am now on a crash course of finding more about it.
I THINK I am happy with the hybrids, the way they have been explained to me so far...allowing better healing to the spinal cord, etc. If I hadn't met Dr. Bitan and been very impressed with both him and his information, I would be more than slightly second guessing myself right now. I like this doctor an awful lot, really I do...and his credentials are so great......a 16 page CV for the love of Mike!
So what should I expect for healing time, etc.? Fusion takes much longer, right? And I'll have so much more metal in me, with screws? What else? A big collar around my neck for weeks? And my belly....front AND back incisions? Eeek! Five levels, two in the cervical and three in the lumbar respectively, just days apart.......
Yes, I need to talk to the good doctor a lot more, but can't till next week, so I'm here among friends, asking for advice and information once again

I hope I'm not just getting cold feet with everything rushing up so fast.
The good thing is that this is NOT a trial, and he has free rein so to speak about what he does...he will do what he thinks best, in other words. I had built up such a great argument AGAINST fusion for the insurance....sigh