To my fellow spineys, anyone who is still suffering from sciatica even after adr surgery listen up!
my self diagnosis proved me right six months post-op from back surgery. I was still getting sharp pain down my leg from the back of my piriformous muscle ( a muscle deep in the buttock) which is compressing on my sciatic nerve . To confirm this I flew from Florida to California to see the nerve specialist Dr. Aaron Filler. The treatment plan is botox injections on the muscle and wait to see if the muscle relaxes in weeks, I haven't had the luck so I probably need surgery to release the nerve. If anyone out there knows of a specialist who treats this condition near the east or southeast coast or west or where ever it will be helpful . Dr. Filler is excellant for this kind of conditon but his fees are expensive and my insurance doesn't cover a non- participating provider.
Plus there isn't many surgeons that do this surgery
Thanks Alot,