Gama / Cyber Knife for Herniated Discs ???
Today these are greatly and very proudly offered at most major hospitals and cancer research centers world-wide for a complex series of various tumors.
Though this may sound like a silly question to some, but for me it truly is a genuine one which kinda does make sense to me...
If various doses of radiation can be pin-pointed and delivered to shrink tumors down to significant levels or even vaporize them as a whole, then why could they not use the very same or perhaps a similar technology for all our Herniated Discs, and then ofcourse seal those Annular Tears using the same heat from those heat raditiaons... ???
Obviously they would then inject the disc with some jelly like or a silicone based material to allow it to then function as it did before prior to...
Does this sound too easy or is this something that other have thought of already and dismissed it for whatever reason... ?
Is this a valid question or one just may be yet years away ???