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iSpine Discuss PulStar Multiple Impulse Therapy in the Main forums forums; My name is Dave and I work for Sense Technology in Murrysville, PA (outside of Pittsburgh). We make the PulStar ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 05:57 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 4
Default PulStar Multiple Impulse Therapy

My name is Dave and I work for Sense Technology in Murrysville, PA (outside of Pittsburgh). We make the PulStar which is an instrument adjusting system designed to offer safe, gentle and effective pain relief caused by spinal problems. I've been here about 4 months and my job is to improve the sales and marketing.

Our customers are mostly chiropractors (though there's no reason a PT or MD couldn't use this) and those users swear by the system. The feedback they have given us from their patients say the patients love it. The research we have done shows that it is effective.

The problem is, no one seems to know about it which is where I come in. I've started a blog (Back Pain Relief That Makes Sense) that I hope will help and I've been searching other blogs to see what others are doing and saying about back pain. This is by far the most active blog I have found and the first that isn't dedicated to selling something.

Has anyone here had any experience with the PulStar Multiple Impulse Therapy? If so, what was your experience? Do you have any feedback from your experience that would help us improve the system?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 06:31 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: delaware
Posts: 296

SPAM CITY cut me a break
ddd 1990
2003 mri,xrays,shots,emg
2004 discogram ouch pos l4 l5
facet block neg
lost all appeals BCBS 5 months of that
3 surgeons later
surgery with dr. bertagnoli aug 2nd 2006 in Bogen Germany Successfully ProDisc-L L-4 L-5
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 06:49 PM
mmglobal's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 2,511


Welcome to the forum!

If I understand the video, you measure tension in the tissues, then target a 'massage like' therapy on the areas that are tense.

I watched the Pulstar video... it states something like, in recent studies...

> 50% of patients with neck pain received a 100% reduction in pain in 4 visits or less.

> 1/2 of patients with low back pain received a 100% reduction in pain in 4 visits or less.

Wow... this almost sounds too good to be true!

I do believe that a some patients with spinal problems will respond to conservative treatment. For many of us it is because we will heal anyway and conservative treatment is just what we happen to be doing while we are healing. Others will benefit from placebo value. Some small percentage of the patient population that I'm used to dealing with actually responds well to conservative care that includes decompression machines, PT, massage, chiropractic, etc... IMHO, patients with serious structural problems in their spine stand a very small chance of success with these treatments, but I have seen a few who have gotten wonderful success. There are many successes out there that I don't understand and I believe that we should try what we can to avoid surgery, but there needs to be some reasonableness to the treatments (except for those who will just get better anyway, or who will benefit from the placebo value).

Claims of 100% reduction in pain for 50% of the patients really makes me question either the validity or veracity of the study, or the patient population that is included in the study. For the people I know with real structural problems in their spine, results like these are nowhere near realistic.

I look forward to patients coming here and discussing their experiences. I do not doubt that there will be many successes. I hope to discover that my skepticism is unwarranted and that spine patients trying multiple impulse technology truly do enjoy a success rate that is monstrously higher than anything else we've heard of. (Maybe not what we've heard of, but what actually pans out.)

All the best,

1997 MVA
2000 L4-5 Microdiscectomy/laminotomy
2001 L5-S1 Micro-d/lami
2002 L4-S1 Charite' ADR - SUCCESS!
2009 C3-C4, C5-C6-C7, T1-T2 ProDisc-C Nova
Summer 2009, more bad thoracic discs!
Life After Surgery Website
President: Global Patient Network, Inc.
Founder: www.iSpine.org

Last edited by mmglobal; 10-30-2008 at 06:51 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-31-2008, 02:30 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 4


Thanks for responding so quickly!

You are right, the proof is in the pudding. That's the reason I was excited to take the position with this company, because if all of this is true, we can help a lot of people if we can just get the word out.

And you are also right that in severe cases the PulStar may not be able to help but like you said, it is absolutely worth a shot if it would help someone avoid surgery.

For many people suffering from back pain that have tried different remedies or are afraid of manual adjustments, this seems to be a perfect alternative. I hope there are some members here who have tried it so they can give us there opinion.

I'll look forward to those comments.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-31-2008, 03:09 AM
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Chasswen made me think I should respond to the "veracity and validity" of the research and claims from my original post. Here is the link to the "too good to be true" published research claims Mark referenced in his post. Dr. Joseph Evans is the inventor of the PulStar and one of the authors of this research.

Also, Dr. Jerry Mantonya, a chiropractor in Ohio who recently purchased a PulStar, put together a survey of his own accord and gave it to first time PulStar users. The results of the survey are published on our blog (Back Pain Relief That Makes Sense) under "Focus Group Results" . Obviously I included only the most interesting stuff but the most negative comment I got was that someone didn't notice a difference between the PulStar treatment and a regular manual adjustment. Here's Mantonya's site if anyone wishes to verify with him the results of the patient survey.

I know we have users in Colorado and New Jersey, if either of you would like to check out a PulStar I'd be happy to set up an appointment for either of you to hear what your thoughts are. I really do believe we have a great product that will help people if we can just make people aware that it exists. Just let me know.

I don't want to be a spammer, I just want to help.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2008, 06:39 AM
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Location: Philadelphia, PA
Posts: 9
Red face If you really want to help a guy...

If you really want to help a guy...

If you really want to help someone, I am in the Philly area so not too far from you, and if youre ever here grab that great little gadget and we give it a try on my neck.

Unless it does any harm you have nothing to loose, but possibly lots to gain.

Everyone here as well as many others would know the truth.

: )
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 02:29 PM
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Posts: 4


I'd be happy to try and help. If you send me your zip code I'll find the nearest PulStar user to you.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 05:30 PM
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 70


I'm actually in Delaware. If you need me to run down to Dover and investigate a bit more thorough for the board, I will be more than happy. That is as long as the Doc is willing to take the time to explain the processes that are involved.

Martial arts for 25 years
Full contact MMA 7 years
Body building last 7 years
(no Problems)
4-07 Fall down step holding daughter
5-07 L5-S1 buldge MRI
9-07 L5-S1 herniation W/DDD and annular tear MRI
3 epidurals / 2 nerve root injection / 6 weeks of PT

8/01/2008 L4-S1 Posterior Spinal fusion only, using the PEEK ROD system. No Vertebral spacer and disc is still there. So is the pain!!!!

4 More weeks of PT and things are worse now than before.
I must train again.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2014, 04:10 PM
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Location: New Jersey
Posts: 1
Default Excellent results from MIT

I first hurt my back at 15 in a bicycle incident. My friends and I had built a wood ramp and were jumping a flaming pit with our bicyles, I swear. My left foot slipped off the pedal on landing and jammed my right hip and and hour later I began a life of chronic low back pain. Later at 30 I took a bad fall,11 feet, landed on my right side and turned black and blue down my right side. I jammed my shoulder/neck and my arm under my body broke two ribs and fractured facets in my lowwer spine . I had a discectomy and fusion of S1-L5-L-4 with pedicle screws and rods. The surgery was 9.5 hours as the degeneration of the area from 15 years of decay and overwork was over the top. The surgery was successful and I went on to enjoy a bit of backpain free life until some one went through a red light and t-boned me.I now have lower back pain again and manage it with meds and constant physical rehab. My story is about my neck, upper back and shoulder which suffered incredible trauma in the fall but not enough for surgery. Things have decayed over the years and pain and stiffness and hand numbness increased steadily. I started getting some relief with epidoral steroid injection. My mistake was not getting into different work. Last summer the numbness moved from my left hand to my right hand and then the symptoms went through the roof. Numbness , pain and pins and needles from behind my right ear to the tips of my fingers and my upper back. I went to 5 surgeons and got everything from you need surgery ASAP before you have permanent arm damage to Dont have surgery. I was so confused and the pain was driving me mad and now I was BROKE. Before I gave up to neck surgey, C4/C5 discectomy I contacted a Dr. friend from the past, and he turned me on to Multiple Impulse therapy combined with neck decompression.
From day one I got some relief and except for about a week were I plateaud. Every session gives me releif from stiffness and pain . It is best for getting those kinks out that hold everything in spasm. Two months later I have put surgery off and have very little pain. I know it wont fix the damage that exists but it has defintely allowed me to postpone surgery for now. I highly reccomend folks to try it. When discussing back problems and various so-called solutions I always say, If you had a broken leg you would get it set at the hospital right? Same goes for your back. You wouldnt go to your chiropractor or massage therapist right with fractures ,etc." MIT is a tool. Its not a magic wand, it will not fix broken or decayed parts,but its amazing at relieving stuck parts that are holding your body back from healing itself. For the majority of people with minor back issues this is the way to go And it is so simple that I know if I had a MIT machine I could teach my girlfriend how to work on me in a matter of minutes. I want one.
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