Our surgeon, Dr. Jens Chapman put out a press release from the AOSNA that points out the glaring wrong of the recent (2010) medical policy changes by Milliman that excludes many patients from getting fusion or any surgical care for low back pain.
He and others are starting to realize the professional impact this is posing to their practice, their contracts with payers and the care they can offer their patients.
He gave us a fiercely eloquent letter written to our insurance company on our behalf (his 3rd) outlining this error in policy making. He encouraged us to continue fighting anyway we could to bring this matter to light. We will be using the letter to attempt to engage the media, Insurance Commissioner, our local insurance group of the larger issues at hand, along with the press link below, since our appeal failed to bring results for necessary spinal surgery.
New Study Exposes Quality Gaps in Policies and Guidelines that Influence Patient Access for Chronic Low Back Pain Care