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Abstracts and Articles Discuss Long-segment fusion of the thoracolumbar spine & a motion-preserving ADR in the Main forums forums; From: PubMed. Spine. 2007 Apr 1;32(7):E240-5. Long-segment fusion of the thoracolumbar spine in conjunction with ...

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Old 06-26-2008, 06:36 AM
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Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 196
Default Long-segment fusion of the thoracolumbar spine & a motion-preserving ADR

From: PubMed. Spine. 2007 Apr 1;32(7):E240-5.

Long-segment fusion of the thoracolumbar spine in conjunction with a motion-preserving artificial disc replacement: case report and review of the literature
Lehman RA Jr, Lenke LG

Study Design: Case report.
Objective: We reviewed the case of a 44-year-old woman who underwent long-segment fusion and an artificial disc replacement.
Summary of Background Data: There have been many reported advantages and disadvantages of stopping the fusion at L5, with the theoretical benefits being preserved motion, shorter operative time, allowing the remaining disc to compensate for curve correction cephalad in the lumbar spine, and a decreased likelihood for the development of a pseudarthrosis at that distal level.
Methods: As the issue of the fate of the L5-S1 motion segment continues to be debated, we present the case of a medium-segment thoracolumbar fusion carried down to the L4 stable vertebra, an intervening healthy L4-L5 disc space, with the placement of an artificial disc arthroplasty at the L5-S1 level for a degenerative and discographically positive pain generator.
Results: At 2-year follow-up, her L5-S1 artificial disc replacement level shows 11 degrees range of motion and consolidated fusion from T12 to L4 with complete resolution of her axial back pain. Her T12-L4 construct is stable, and the L4-L5 level is unaffected at the latest follow-up. Her clinical outcome has been excellent with her return to a very active lifestyle.
Conclusion: Artificial disc replacement below a long-segment fusion is a viable alternative to performing fusion to additional motion segments

Keywords: artificial disc replacement; long-segment fusion; disc arthroplasty; deformity; MINIMUM FOLLOW-UP; SCOLIOSIS FUSIONS; ADULT SCOLIOSIS; SACRUM; DEFORMITY; L5-S1; COMPLICATIONS; ARTHROPLASTY; ARTHRODESIS; FIXATION
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