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nomorepain 07-02-2013 06:10 AM

11 yrs post-op from US medical study
I've been absent for a while, somehow I lost my log on information but I found my way back... Mark wanted me to post about life after back pain. I consider myself one of the lucky ones.I was in one of the medical studies and received 2 prodiscs at L4L5 & L5S1. My recovery was slow,very slow, I suffered with my condition for almost 30yrs. I have to tell you all I still pinch myself to see if it's real that I don't have the debilitating back pain I once had. I will never forget where I once was. I speak to people to this day about my experiences with my prodiscs, as well as it's not for everyone, and surgery doesn't always work out for the best. I've done a lot, drove a stick shift, atv's in the desert, water skied, bowling, walk, play golf, ride a bicycle at least 50mi/week,sit for hours at a time,I do limit what I lift to about 30-40 lbs. and from time to time I still get muscle spasms, but they go away a lot quicker. I still think I have a guardian angel due to my results. I really don't have any complaints, my prodiscs have been good to me.:D

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