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jsewell 05-16-2013 09:53 PM

Findings from my Lumbar CT
Hi All,
I am still dealing with pain in both hips, my butt and across my lumbar spine. The most bothersome symptom is the lack of ability to walk upright for more than a few minutes, like 2 min. since my last surgery in August of 2012 and Sept of 2012.
I had a recent Ct which stated a disc spacer prosthesis is present at L4-L5 , with subsidence of the prosthesis into the superior end plate by a distance of 5 mm. What type of problem does this cause.
I also have chronic compression fractures of L2 and L4. Left convex lumbar curvature.
Please explain if you can,
My doc is considering anterior surgery, maybe,i will only go for it if it can improve my walking or get me off morphine. both would be awesome!

Maria 05-17-2013 07:24 PM

I dunno.. I'm leary of too many surgeries. Getting off morphine would be great. Realistic who knows given your extensive spinal history. Walking upright .. that'd be great and I so wish that will happen for you.

I never thought I'd have a problem walking related to my feet. Sometimes some really strange stuff comes out of nowhere even when we are hoping and prepared for things to be better as a direct result of a specific surgery we are doing.

I am truly of the belief that less is more with regard to surgeries tho that's based on my own experience which still doesn't mean I'd not have more surgery.

If you are planning more surgery please allow yourself the time your body needs to recover whatever amount of time that might be. We just can't rush or push these things.

Now I do hope you'll get a more educated answer to your questions vs. my opinions/recommendations!;)

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