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giftzypatt 11-28-2011 06:15 PM

Anyone has experience with Mobi-C?
Has Anyone got any experience with Mobi-C?

Hi Everyone: I'm new to this Forum and so glad that I found one.

I'm going to have my surgery soon this week and wondering if my decision is right to choose Mobi-C as my ADR.

I'm 35-year-old female. Two weeks ago I had unbearable sharp pain down from my neck to my left arm. I was in pain sitting up or lying down, the kind of pain I've never felt before. I went to the ER and had an X-Ray. They found nothing and prescribed me the NSAID. It didn't help. I was crying all night.*

The next day I took myself to the new doctor. He gave me a pain-killer shot at my buttock. After an hour or so, I felt much better. Unfortunately, it didn't last that long.*

Three days later, I went back to the same doctor. He gave me another shot this time right down to my shoulder. Again the pain is almost gone but it is leaving me with another problem. I'm having numbness all over my left arm and it is also so weak that I can't lift it up.

I finally did an MRI and found out that I got acute cervical disc rupture at my C4/5 with nerve root compression. The doctor recommended an immediate anterior cervical discectomy.*

I went to the second opinion and I received the same answer. Yes, I need the surgery asap.*

This is going to be my first surgery ever and I'm feeling very stressed and nervous.

Thank you so much in advance for all advices.


JeffreyD 11-28-2011 07:46 PM

I highly recommend the Mobi-C.
I have two!
I am a few months short of being 5 years post-op and have no surgery or device related problems. If I didn't know that they were in my cervical spine, I wouldn't be able to tell that I had artificial cervical discs (other than the fact that I have no neck or upper extremity problems anymore, and can move my head around with no pain).

giftzypatt 11-28-2011 08:19 PM

Thank you Jeff for your fast response. That's very helpful to me.
Will keep you posted on the surgery.

migz jaze 01-25-2012 06:35 PM

I hope the thread will help you find the right medication that could help you overcome that pain. I'll pray for you.

bio-identical hormone therapy

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