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pochofeo 08-25-2010 07:58 PM

Just two more days... Any advice?
Hi everyone,

On Friday I will be receiving a three-level ADR. I can't believe I'm typing those words. I thought I never would.
It would not have been possible for me to gather the information needed to make this happen without the help of everyone here. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you all.
When I return I'll be sharing the details of how - get ready for this - my insurance approved the whole thing, three discs and all.

I've never had surgery before. Not sure how to prepare or what to look out for. Can anyone give me advice or a heads-up?


mmglobal 08-25-2010 10:46 PM

Frank, good luck to you!

Which doc did you decide upon and which discs will be surgicated?

I hope to hear great news about your recovery.

All the best,


sahuaro 08-26-2010 03:34 AM

Wishing you all good luck for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery!
It would help to know which levels (lumbar or cervical) so advice can be offered.

And you've certainly roused my curiosity about how you got insurance to cover!!!

Maria 08-26-2010 03:06 PM

Good luck Frank! Hope the surgical results will restore you to as near normal functioning as possible again w/o pain!

What levels and which insurance??

Has the FDA moved ahead to approve multi level disc replacement?

Re advice it sort of depends if you're talking about cervical vs. lumbar surgery tho my general advice would be to get as much done as you can before surgery that will make your life easier and make sure you have some help after surgery for at least a month if not longer. With either surgery one of the things that might be helpful is a "reacher/grabber" so you don't have to bend over to pick things up. Comfortable pillows as needed and bathroom adaptations. Look thru some old posts here and you'll probably find lists of recommendations from other people..

dshobbies 08-26-2010 05:38 PM

Hey Frank,

I wish you good luck and an easy recovery.

Basically, don't do anything foolish. Cervical and lumbar surgeries vary greatly in their impact but follow doctors orders and take is slow and steady. Rushing ahead often provides negative results.

Can't believe you're receiving coverage - way to go!


Maria 08-30-2010 04:12 PM

hope you're doing Ok
Hola Pochofeo,
Sure hope your surgery went well and the recovery is coming along too. When you're able and if you've time I would love to hear how you're doing and I'm sure others here would as well.

take good care Frank and don't rush anything! Maria

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