Surgical Outcomes and Blogs Discuss Micro Discectomy Questions in the Main forums forums; Hi All Hi Spines I had the pleasure to have a Discectomy at L4-L5 on Sept 11,09. Has ... |
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![]() Gil,
My first disco/lami,S1/L5, 9/94. After initial surigical recovery, fear kept me limited - 1 year later, no limitations but I'm not terribly physical. 2nd disco/lami L4/5, 8/2002. Lasted less than 1 year. MRI -2003 showed 4 bad levels, S1/L2. Refused further treatment based on stats. Heard of ADRs, summer 2004. Delays waiting for appointments, ins, etc., had 3 level 10/05 -Dr B. Now - wishing 4th level had been done too. Stats aren't in your favor but that doesn't have to be the last word. Being aware of your back and taking care extends good results. Keep in mind 100%will have a new meaning -doc told me AFTER surgery. You should be feeling pretty good by now - maybe a little stiff still. Just keep your back protected, especially during physical activity and sneezes. My best to you, Dale
3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005 Dr. B in Bogen, Germany Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it |
![]() A full open discectomy on L5S1 in '89 and recovery was slow but very progresssive. I was off work for 3 months, returned part time until 6 months, then full time. Started light working out at 6 mo. and most pain was gone by this time. This surgery was successful in that the pain reduction was progressively obvious and activity level progressively ongoing. Sitting was an activity that was incredibly improved~ normal even by about 3 mo. post op.
With this surgery I felt much improved and was back at activity levels I hadn't had for years and years prior to. Did it last? No.. L4 went several years after this. 2nd discectomy in '92 was at L4 and was a percutaneous discectomy. Immediate results were great but went downhill after 1-2 weeks and had significantly increased pain to the torturous level so surgery was a huge arse flop/failure horrendous f'k up! So it did not work and it took a very long time to get back to anything near normal activity because it killed me to even be on my feet/upright at all but I forced myself to go back to work part time even tho much of the time I felt like I'd rather be not alive. Took years after this 2nd surgery to get rid of most of residual pain symptoms~ 5 years. By this time I developed more advanced DDD, L5S1 had bulged again, and on and on... I've had a number of surgeries more recommended~ in 2000 a 3 level lumbar global fusion~ didn't have. In 2003 a two level lumbar ADR~ didn't have. In 2006 an ADR at L4 and fusion at L5S1~ didn't have. Currently I can walk alot and even now sit quite more socially which I think is due to a very long haul with L5S1 finally fusing on it's own. But still have low back pain, still take pain medication and haven't worked for 9 years now. The 2nd spine surgery really did a number on my head re being afraid of more surgery. In fact if I were one to diagnose myself with mental conditions I'd say I have post traumatic stress syndrome related to my failed 2nd spine surgery in terms of fear of more surgery. Will your surgery work for you??? Hope so. Will you need more spine surgery? Hmmm.. well it seems that many of us just can't stop at one! So my advice is to progress at your own speed as you feel you can. Don't push yourself at first in terms of PT/working out. Get your regular routine down first re getting around and being up/active without forcing your body/back into any extraneous activitiy levels. Walking is what I recommend and increasing as able. Sit as tolerated and don't push it. Be mindful of your spine and allow the area to recover vs. rebulge. Take the full time off of work that you are able without pushing yourself back to full time~ Good luck ![]() Last edited by Maria; 10-18-2009 at 07:41 PM. |
![]() my understanding of a microdiscectomy is that often a small square hole is cut through the anular layers to enable removal of some nucleus material with a view to reducing chances of future reherniation. But i have read that this hole probably wont ever heal up so there is a direct channel between nucleus and spinal canal and this will result in accelerated disc degeneration.
Is this a correct understanding? |
![]() Hi Maria
Thanks for checking in, I am almost eight weeks out walking every day a couple of times just started to drive, still not working and no P.T. yet, On longer on pain meds seems to be doing O.K. for now I still have some numbness and tingling in my legs? My hands are still numb little and ring finger will start to do test on that starting next week???? ![]() Thanks Gil ![]()
L5-S1 lam 1994 L2 to L5 DDD L3 -L4 hern Dec 2007. L4-L5 Annular fissure with mild central stenosis and moderate facet hypertrophy. L5-S1DDDDD L2-L3 Right-sided neural foraminal narrowing at and L3-L4 related to posterolateral hypertrophic spurs and facet hypertrophy. C3-C4 limited DDD ![]() 9 injections Depo. P.T. 13 months 5 dose packs, Nerve Block Injections.4 ESI S1 L5-S1 foraminotomy 09 L4-L5 Microdiscectomy 09 Reherniate 4-2010 Coflex-L Implants L4 to S1 |
![]() Gil,
As I recall w/both discectomies there was some numbness/tingling in legs that lasted a bit. With first discectomy it appeared to clear up quicker with 2nd it lingered and still have it at times in right leg. Sounds like you're progressing quite well so please continue to do so. 8 weeks is still pretty early out so continue to be mindful of yourself which I'm sure you're doing ![]() good luck with other work up and thanks for replying ![]() |
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