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Surgical Outcomes and Blogs Discuss L4/L5, L5/L6 (S1) Prodisc-L - treefrog (aka Cathy) in the Main forums forums; Just a quick note to say I am home. The flight was not too bad. I ended up getting a ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 01:20 AM
treefrog's Avatar
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Just a quick note to say I am home. The flight was not too bad. I ended up getting a first class seat on the flight from Heathrow to Raleigh. After realizing it was going to be very difficult to sit in coach, on the flight from Munich to Heathrow. I think it was worth the extra money. I was able to sleep for part of the trip.

I am doing much better than I ever would have imagined possible. I have distraction pain, but it is far more manageable than I thought. The only thing is just being uncomfortable most of the time, laying down or sitting. And making sure not to move the wrong way. I think I am doing pretty good with it. Though it is helpful that my sister is here helping me and doing things for me. I don't know how well I will do after she leaves, I'll have to rely on my boyfriend more, when he's home anyway.

Well, I don't have the time right now, to do much reading. But I hope everyone is doing well.

46 years old. 12-15 years of intermittent pain, 2 years with constant pain.

DDD, L4-5 and L5-S1, pain confirmed by discogram.
PT, ESI's, Facet injection and block, Acupuncture - all no help.

2-level (Prodisc-L) ADR surgery with Dr. Bertagnoli, May 26, 2009.

Currently taking Opana-ER (tapering off) and oxycodone
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 01:27 AM
Gil Denis's Avatar
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Hi Cathy

Welcome home

Please take it easy and we are fine.

Rest, Relax And Heal life is waiting for you.

All The Best

L5-S1 lam 1994
L2 to L5 DDD
L3 -L4 hern Dec 2007.
L4-L5 Annular fissure with mild central stenosis and moderate facet hypertrophy.
L2-L3 Right-sided neural foraminal narrowing at and L3-L4 related to posterolateral hypertrophic spurs and facet hypertrophy.
C3-C4 limited DDD
9 injections Depo. P.T. 13 months 5 dose packs,
Nerve Block Injections.4 ESI S1
L5-S1 foraminotomy 09
L4-L5 Microdiscectomy 09 Reherniate 4-2010
Coflex-L Implants L4 to S1
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 04:49 PM
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What a relief to be home, huh? Glad your trip wasn't that difficult and ditto on your pain. The whole process takes awhile so settle in and enjoy your new back. Keep us posted and let us know how things work out once your sister leaves. Just remember, if you can't do it, don't... nothing is all that important.

3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 05:36 PM
New-disc's Avatar
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Thanks for keeping us posted .... surgery sounds like
it went well.

Be good to your-self

Stenum Hospital * Germany

Surgery 10-19-07 ( L4-L5 Maverick disc )

For my true life story ...

go to -----> www.youtube.com

print -----> ADR surgery into the space bar

or ... http://www.maverick-disc.blogspot.com (my picture & movie updates)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2009, 12:12 AM
treefrog's Avatar
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2.5 weeks post-op, and I am doing amazingly well. My boyfriend measured me last night and I am now an inch taller than I was pre-op (though only 1/2 an inch taller than my "normal adult" height), at 5' 4".

My sister is here this week, though she will be leaving Sunday. We have been cooking up a storm, mostly her, in preparation for me being on my own more after she leaves. My boyfriend will be around, but he's not much on cooking, and doesn't always have much time for it. I will have lots of great, healthy food in the freezer for the coming weeks.

I don't have much pain, only what I think is distraction pain (an aching from my hips down to my feet), certainly not the pre-op pain.

Constipation is not much of a problem, though is still there a little (much like pre-op), as I have been able to keep my pain med to the same level as pre-op. I go to see my PM doc on the 22nd, and I will see about starting to lower my meds then (if I haven't already started - I have started reducing the amount of gabapentin I am taking) and get x-rays.

46 years old. 12-15 years of intermittent pain, 2 years with constant pain.

DDD, L4-5 and L5-S1, pain confirmed by discogram.
PT, ESI's, Facet injection and block, Acupuncture - all no help.

2-level (Prodisc-L) ADR surgery with Dr. Bertagnoli, May 26, 2009.

Currently taking Opana-ER (tapering off) and oxycodone
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2009, 03:21 AM
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Posts: 138
Default Welcome home

I'm so glad everything went well. It's amazing how there is so much leading up to it. We on the board hear when someone is going then boom they're back. I am wishing you the very best and glad the trip is over!!!!
Chemically sensitive disc/Annular tears, DDD, mild bulging, facet arthritus

Dancing accident in 96. tried PT, acupuncture, pilates, pain mgmt. nothing worked. Epidurals, facet blocks, caudal blocks, discogram. Opiates for ten years, oral prednisone, toradol inj. & more.

Two level spinal fusion with BMS, cages, hardware. due to bone density problems from chemotherapy, they had to go in front and back. Surgery Nov. 6, 2010. So far no regrets.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2009, 01:47 AM
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Well, this coming Tuesday will be 4 weeks post-op, and I still can't believe how well I am doing . That aching I had in my legs is gone, I now think it might have been a side effect of the lorazepam. I haven't taken it, and I have slept on my side, which were two things I thought might have been causing it, and that pain is gone.

I still sleep more than normal, but I figure that is par for the course. I go to sleep around 11, and don't wake up until 9 or 9:30. Though I don't typically take a nap, today was an exception, and it was only a slight bit of dozing really.

I really don't have pain, though I was more uncomfortable yesterday afternoon, and last night. Even this morning I was still feeling it, but this evening I am feeling better. I took amitiptyline last night, to help me sleep. I am still taking pain meds, 20 mg Opana-ER 2xday and ~7.5 mg oxycodone 3xday, but I've already cut down my gabapentin to 300 mg 1xday (from 4xday pre-op). I am only waiting to see my PM doc on Monday to start tapering off the pain meds. I will need a lower dose Opana-ER, and find out how long to stay at each reduced dose. I don't think the oxycodone will be as difficult, and I think that will be after the Opana, but I'll see what the PM says.

Before surgery, I thought that my day would be spent sleeping a lot, or at least laying down a lot. With short walks to break up my day. I did not think I would be sitting at all. But, since getting back from Germany, I pretty much only sleep at night. I sit at the computer, and I lay down on the futon in the living room, but I get up much more than I every would have thought to be doing. I can walk farther than I ever thought I would be doing post-op, and that was something I did a lot of in the days post-op in Germany. I am just super amazed.

I am not concerned about my ability to go back to work. But I still plan on waiting, to let my body heal. Because even though I am feeling great, I know that my body still has a lot of work to do. Now, I am hoping that the job I want will be there when I am ready to go back to work. I guess I do worry a little bit, will I be able to sit all day (well with short breaks to get up and walk around), since I do break up my sitting now with laying down or walking. But, it isn't even 4 weeks yet, I'm sure I will be feeling even better in the weeks ahead.

46 years old. 12-15 years of intermittent pain, 2 years with constant pain.

DDD, L4-5 and L5-S1, pain confirmed by discogram.
PT, ESI's, Facet injection and block, Acupuncture - all no help.

2-level (Prodisc-L) ADR surgery with Dr. Bertagnoli, May 26, 2009.

Currently taking Opana-ER (tapering off) and oxycodone
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