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str8shooter5 04-08-2009 04:10 AM

6 Days LATER
Well its been 6 days since my surgery i had a front and back fusion of my L4,L5,S1. Im not going to lie its been hard but each day i have a little less pain i was in the hospital for 3 days and then let go (to quick i think) but i walk a little , sit a little , and sleep a little more each day so i know its all good from here or so i hope lol well thats all for now oh and if you are going in for surgery ,,,,,, be prepared to take it real easy trying to get up and down from a chair or bed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Terry Allen Blackburn 04-08-2009 02:50 PM

That is a tough surgery you just went through. Sounds like they did a CAGE Fusion? It's definitely going to take some time to heal from this major, major surgery but, it will be behind you, one-day-at-a-time. Hang in there and keep us posted and we will support you in the process.

Terry Newton

Maria 04-08-2009 03:33 PM

post op
Now I believe you re getting up and down from a chair post fusion surgery cuz it was pretty dang bad after my first discectomy fusion back in '89. I wince when I recall how I felt afterwards.. so global fusion sounds like a really tough ball of wax tho sounds like you're coming thru it pretty good.. keep up the good work and attitude;)

phylly 04-08-2009 03:46 PM

I had a very similar surgery and the first two weeks were tough. hang in there. It does get better but those first weeks were one big Ouch. Don't push.

dshobbies 04-08-2009 03:59 PM

I'm so sorry for your pain but it's good pain, healing pain. Getting to the other side is huge as was your surgery. With each day a little better, sounds like you're on the mend.

Please take is slow, not that you have any other choice right now!;)


Kathy 04-08-2009 09:25 PM

Oh, I feel your pain. I literally, for real, prayed for death the first two days after surgery. My pain was crazy out of control. I remember begging the post-op nurse to hold my hand, and she wouldn't! My hubby was only allowed in for like 30 minutes all day. I didn't get up until the second day and I could barely move. It hurt to readjust my body in a chair for a week and a half. Every movement hurt. So, I can not imagine having 2 levels and front and back incisions! That must be an extremely hard recovery. It will be worth it when you are pain free, at least that's what I keep telling myself ;)
Will be praying for a speedy recovery,

treefrog 04-09-2009 06:21 PM

Sorry that you are in pain, and I hope it starts to abate soon. But at least it is healing pain, and you are on the road to recovery and being pain-free.

Take it slow, be careful. It all takes time.

str8shooter5 04-13-2009 04:25 PM

12 Days Later
Well its been 12 days since surgery still a bit sore from time to time! But the good news is i still havent had a smoke since the morning of surgery!! woo hoo lol i have some good days and some bad days but as long as i take my pain meds evry 4 hours or as close to that as i can i do ok , its VERY hard in the morning getting out of bed until i get my meds in me... i have some numbness below my belly button and the top inner left thigh i hope that is normal for now will ask Dr when i go on friday well i will let you all know what he says then !!


Terry Allen Blackburn 04-13-2009 08:25 PM

Congratulations for not smoking. That is so major when you figure that your body needs to heal and what smoking does to this process is horrible. hang in there and keep us informed so we can support you in the process.

Terry Newton

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