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Jakea222 03-16-2009 11:20 PM

OK Now what can I expect
Some of you know me - I am a chef - very physical job. Anterlothesis of L5-S1 - L5 tear and L3-4 have bulges. Have done 3 epideral injections with nothing - I have a new doc - he does not want to do another - pain has increased significant enough to keep me awake and no comfort "nuetral" zone. This new doc calls and checks on me and wants to meet up to discuss what the next step is gonna be --- can anyone prepare me for what the next step is gonna be - I hate looking like an idiot - but some of the things discussed here are over my head - any help would be greatly appreciated

trkdoc714 03-17-2009 12:17 AM


There are a few of us here in the ATL area. Feel free to PM me for my phone number if you need to talk. JohnB would be another good source of the local (or loco) surgeons.


Jakea222 03-19-2009 02:14 AM

So I am being sent oin for some options that the surgeon may want to do - knowing what you know ANtherlothesis of L5-S1 and L45 Bulges and L5 tear ---what do you think they are gonna want to do --- please be specific - maybe I should runa betting board - kidding to see who guesses the procedure tehyare gonna do me with

trkdoc714 03-19-2009 09:33 AM

Based on my experiences, you'll most likely be offered fusion of some sort. I started off with one of the "hip and knee joints" in the metro area. 4 surgeons later I had 3 offers of multi-level fusion and one 3 level laminectomy plus fusion (must've been coupon day).

You're going to a clinic I have no experience with. They may have better doctors there. I hope they treat your problem and not your symptoms.

Good luck,


treefrog 03-19-2009 04:16 PM

My best advice to you is to get multiple opinions, and research what they are offering you. Don't jump into anything, without fully knowing what they are doing, and what it will mean for your future.

I think Mark will be all right with me posting other web sites, as I believe he understands that it is best for all patients to have as much information as they can get. This site- -has a lot of good information on procedures and conditions. It really helped me to understand the anatomy of my back, my condition specifically, and different treatments from conservative to surgeries.

Jakea222 03-20-2009 02:00 AM

Thanks for that site - I am still trying to get my brain around it and the terms are confusing now

Jakea222 03-24-2009 12:39 AM

I have two apts
I have one with a Dr Penny at Gwinett which my wife says has a bad reputation with the patients that they have (wife is FNP and runs a physician practice) the other is a Dr ROger --- jeez I forgot his last I am going to listen to both before I do anything -- I am really struggling to stay at MY work standard as a chef and really get to hurting about 5 hours in a 10 hr day

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