-   Straubing and Bogen, ProSpine, Dr. Bertagnoli (
-   -   5&10 (

dshobbies 01-24-2008 04:32 PM

Believe it or not there is an old fashioned 5&10 cent store in Bogen at the end (closer to the hospital) of their main street. I think it's a Newbury's but it might be another chain. Good to know if you forget something at home. I left my reading glasses on the plane and just bought a new pair and some other items I left at home. They didn't speak English at all but we still managed to communicate and they were eager to help.

mmglobal 01-25-2008 01:42 AM

That's a Woolworth and it looks just like the US Woolworth of days gone by... red brick, same sineage.... very surreal to find yourself in such a quait little european town and stumble into what we think of as a bit of 50's Americana.

There's also a Woolworth in Straubing... go to the clock tower and head away from the Donnau (Danube).... you'll find it there.

Thanks Dale!


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