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Search: Posts Made By: Aaron
Forum: Surgical Outcomes and Blogs 06-04-2012, 02:01 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 10,047
Posted By Aaron
I hear some good some bad about the M6 disc, but...

I hear some good some bad about the M6 disc, but as I started having low back issues I came across Dr. Nick Boree and while I know almost all docs good and bad have horror stories. I am yet to find...
Forum: iSpine 06-03-2012, 07:58 PM
Replies: 15
Views: 9,774
Posted By Aaron
minimally invasive Tspine surguries

I had great success with ESI in thoracic area, but not until discogram done and showed tear at level above herniation was also pain gen. Was it coincidence that the first couple I had only at...
Forum: Surgical Outcomes and Blogs 03-22-2012, 06:29 PM
Replies: 68
Views: 16,651
Posted By Aaron
About the discogram I specifically remember them...

About the discogram I specifically remember them hitting the pain gen. in my discogram and I came off table cause my chest locked up and I could not get any words out to scream. Now I dont often...
Forum: Community Support - NSR 03-15-2012, 05:43 PM
Replies: 10
Views: 11,310
Posted By Aaron
I have to say while there are certain problems...

I have to say while there are certain problems with spine health there is some valuable info there and some people who can give some good advice. The problem is that there is no doc names or...
Forum: Surgical Outcomes and Blogs 02-24-2012, 06:28 PM
Replies: 11
Views: 4,839
Posted By Aaron
The thoracic kind of getting worse after chiro...

The thoracic kind of getting worse after chiro pressed down on head testing cervical, but I have a good way to treat now so not as worried.
I will tell u what though when that medicine relaxed or...
Forum: Surgical Outcomes and Blogs 02-24-2012, 06:25 PM
Replies: 11
Views: 4,839
Posted By Aaron
No. I have scheduled TMED with Dr. Fessler but my...

No. I have scheduled TMED with Dr. Fessler but my thoracic is doing much better after 2 ESI that hit spot and school ending and no sitting in hard desks all day. But had another injury playing with...
Forum: iSpine 02-13-2012, 12:24 AM
Replies: 14
Views: 5,266
Posted By Aaron
Shebo, Yes my releif with ESI was amazing,...


Yes my releif with ESI was amazing, entire mindset changed, but it was devastating when it wore off but had another and thoracic been good until chiro pressed down on my head trying to find...
Forum: iSpine 02-10-2012, 02:17 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 3,892
Posted By Aaron

I believe that cracking also has secondary mechanism from inflammation of either joints or muscles/tendons/ligaments. My thoracic has cracked since injury which seems to have origin in an injury vs....
Forum: Surgical Outcomes and Blogs 01-25-2012, 02:54 PM
Replies: 11
Views: 4,839
Posted By Aaron

It is very confusing. I would say I have been to 3 of the top tier thoracic surgeons and they all said something different. Even two who actually wrote book together on thoracic surgury, disagreed...
Forum: iSpine 01-25-2012, 02:34 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 3,593
Posted By Aaron
Stem cell overseas

is he going overseas? His doctor is a leading stem cell guy, but in dealing with spinal cord injury and paralyzed patients.
Forum: Surgical Outcomes and Blogs 11-22-2011, 12:58 PM
Replies: 11
Views: 12,407
Posted By Aaron
The statement that God made our bodies the best...

The statement that God made our bodies the best design they could be. I am an engineer and from an biological standpoint the body is an amazing piece of work but from an engineering standpoint the...
Forum: iSpine 11-21-2011, 02:48 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 6,993
Posted By Aaron


Tito Ortiz also had fusion and both fighters returned to fight in the UFC. I would assume these guys take more punishment...
Forum: iSpine 11-21-2011, 02:28 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 6,993
Posted By Aaron
I agree retirement probably in future, but if the...

I agree retirement probably in future, but if the stories are true Peyton has a competative drive that rivals most. And this is why I think in terms of bad medical advice, we have to look at big...
Forum: iSpine 11-21-2011, 02:20 PM
Replies: 4
Views: 4,721
Posted By Aaron
My mom sent me this about a min. invasive...

My mom sent me this about a min. invasive thoracic fusion. I guess as time goes by we may get better ways to do it. I know there is VATS, some fusion surgury Dr. Dickman does, and this with...
Forum: iSpine 11-19-2011, 07:38 PM
Replies: 4
Views: 4,721
Posted By Aaron
Top thoracic doctors that I have come across

I also have herniation at that level, not a serious as yours though. I have been fighting it for 8 yrs now and in alot of research there are several names that keep coming up in the thoracic spine...
Forum: iSpine 11-19-2011, 03:42 PM
Replies: 4
Views: 2,916
Posted By Aaron
Yes Keeno is right. Dr. Fessler is there in...

Yes Keeno is right. Dr. Fessler is there in Chicago at the northwestern hospital, very nice hospital also. I saw him earlier in year there.
Forum: iSpine 11-19-2011, 03:39 PM
Replies: 11
Views: 5,794
Posted By Aaron

Thoracic micro endoscopic disectomy.

I will be scheduling this surgury in middle of 2012 with Dr. Richard Fessler in Chicago. I saw him earlier in year and even though the visit did not go as...
Forum: iSpine 11-19-2011, 03:20 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 6,993
Posted By Aaron
Well for Peyton Manning he had a minimally...

Well for Peyton Manning he had a minimally invasive procedure prior to 2010 season and played. He had same again this year but not as successful so they had to fuse it. I know the surgeon who did...
Forum: iSpine 09-24-2011, 06:18 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 3,311
Posted By Aaron
My total billed amount for the last ESI in Tspine...

My total billed amount for the last ESI in Tspine is in the range of 8000 total. Dr, anest, hospital etc.
Forum: iSpine 09-24-2011, 06:17 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 5,254
Posted By Aaron
See, I dont remeber ever feeling like a...


I dont remeber ever feeling like a horse kicked me the next day, but I do remember feeling the medicine hit the area and I almost came off table. I have had 4 esi in thoracic and only 1...
Forum: iSpine 09-24-2011, 06:12 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 3,805
Posted By Aaron
Very interesting article

I scanned the article and it is very interesting. I think he takes the right approach in saying that often it takes several different approaches from different disiplines to solve a problem. That...
Forum: iSpine 09-05-2011, 04:38 PM
Replies: 11
Views: 5,794
Posted By Aaron
Dr. Fessler

Appointment at end of September. Will keep site updated on my visit and hopefully he can be a resource for us Tspine patients or any back patients. He would not see me without reviewing Tspine MRI...
Forum: iSpine 05-30-2011, 02:07 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 3,981
Posted By Aaron
Dr. Fessler

Well I am going to get to see Dr. Fessler. He requires that you send your reports and looks at them and approves your appointment. I am hoping he saw something that might be fixed in my thoracic...
Forum: iSpine 05-09-2011, 09:03 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 13,185
Posted By Aaron
As someone in pain, kudos for going to school...

As someone in pain, kudos for going to school with the pain. I just finished a long, long 5 years of mechanical engineering school after I was injured at work. Kind of wish I would have went the RN...
Forum: iSpine 04-28-2011, 10:21 PM
Replies: 1
Views: 3,682
Posted By Aaron
MRI w/ gadolinium for annular tears

Does anyone have experience with this? I came across a site that discussed how using this contrast can help diagnose annular tears with an MRI that may be previously missed. Is the contrast...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 55


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