Forum: Surgical Outcomes and Blogs
04-08-2009, 12:55 AM
Replies: 173
Views: 37,278
Forum: Surgical Outcomes and Blogs
01-29-2009, 07:47 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 5,327
Mark here, 9:30am in Straubing... Jennifer is...
Mark here, 9:30am in Straubing... Jennifer is having a wonderful recovery.
Here is a video I shot yesterday morning... she was just about 24 hours post-op and you'll see how comfortable she is...
Forum: Surgical Outcomes and Blogs
01-28-2009, 07:29 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 5,327
January In Straubing - For C56 & C67 ADR
Hi Everyone,
My wife, son, and I flew into Munich on Sat Jan 24, 2009.
My wife had two level ADR surgery done on Tue Jan 27th (yesterday).
So far we could not be more pleased with the outcome...