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Maria 05-19-2008 05:16 PM

cervical symptom?
I was scared last night because my neck was bothering me with radiation to right scapular area and thru my right arm/hand but the thing that scared me most was this numbness around my jaw and mouth. It was so weird. Not the first time I've felt it and I have brought it up to the OSS when I had it before with not much comment.

Today I have discomfort in my neck esp. right sided and on my upper thoracic spine right side there is tightness/discomfort w/right arm feeling weaker.

I think my neck went out dog walking the other day. It had been so long since that happened I forgot about it happening before. I also danced at the Sicilian Fest in Little Italy yesterday in downtown SD but not too much.

Low back is feeling no pain...(transforaminal ESI on Thurs last). Good results and was even able to sit a few hours to have hair highlighted but when had to hyperextend my neck back in sink to rinse hair~ couldn't tolerate the positioning.

Also have nausea (like when getting a migraine but I've already taken migraine meds).

It's the numbness around the mouth/jaws that scares me the most. I just had an MRI a year or so ago but may ask for another one...

ans 05-19-2008 05:41 PM

I hate to bring this up but I'd want to rule this out (did not know pain in both arms) just to make sure. Sorry...

Good luck M, ans

mmglobal 05-19-2008 08:29 PM

I had my heart worked up twice because of chest pain that was ultimately said to be from my c-spine. Brain MRI too, to rule out other potential causes.

While symptoms may be coming from your spine... that does not necessarily mean that you are not having a separate problems that can cause similar symptoms.

I've seen too many people who could have gotten help for heart problems, but waited because it's just heartburn. Get other problems ruled out if your symptoms warrant it.


dshobbies 05-19-2008 09:52 PM


Any new symptom is always scary and though there may be other causes, with your history the odds are with your c-spine.

Excuse me for even mentioning this but it seems like you're your own worst enemy. Most of your episodes are caused by your own actions instead of inactions. I realize you're taking strong meds so you can live your life but geez girl?????

Just before my back made it's final bad turn for the worse, I danced all night at a wedding. Loaded myself up on meds, wore two back braces and despite my husband's warnings, danced and danced. After that, prior to my surgery, I couldn't go to any affairs and missed 3. Sometimes we learn to late.

You don't want to have surgery as long as meds control your pain and allow a certain freedom. Please, take it down a notch.
Hope to meet you... Dale

fireyangel76 05-19-2008 10:35 PM

Hi Maria,

My first thought about your pain is.....Go get it checked! The pain radiating to the jaw is scary. Women don't always have all the same symptoms of a heart attack as men. In fact sometimes the only symptom is nausea. I don't want to scare you but it's worth ruling out cardiac causes.

I too have some chest pain at times and having some neck problems radiating down arms to hands, mostly on the left. I had a stress test recently...not much fun with low back issues, the incline was a challenge. I did manage to stay on it long enough to get my heart rate up where they needed it. It appears it is not cardiac in nature. Now when I have these symptoms I can relax a little.

I am not well versed on cervical issues, but can that cause jaw pain?

sahuaro 05-20-2008 01:54 AM

I agree that you need to get things checked out, to rule out other possible causes. And I agree with Dale that you certainly tempt fate--but I'm not sure that's a bad thing.
For about 6 months after my MVA in which c5/6 was extruded, I did have excruciating jaw pain (one-sided--the same side as the extrusion) which would come and go and I found that if I stayed absolutely still for a few minutes, it would subside. I never asked any of my docs about this but I assume it was nerve pain--but could have been related to my soft tissue injuries??

Lil E 05-20-2008 10:11 PM

Sounds like...
cervical. It could be heart related but its right sided. Still better safe than etc.
Mine is left side so I always freak out when it gets worse. I'd dance if I could.;)

Maria 05-22-2008 04:57 PM

thanks for replies
edited as necessary

sahuaro 05-22-2008 08:28 PM

Glad you're feeling better! I leave the dog walking to my hubby as my mini schnauzer is too hyper when out on a leash!
Keep on keeping on!;)

fireyangel76 05-22-2008 08:45 PM

I have two big german sheppards that I can no longer walk...the cat chasing and trying to keep control, even one at a time, does my back in. As for hubby he is so busy with working and doing everything at home that I can't, he seldom has time. Poor puppies...they do get to swim in the pool though!

Maria glad to hear cardiac issues were addressed and not of concern. Glad you are feeling better!

ans 05-22-2008 09:44 PM

M: How about you putting some kind of "car seat"/throne on top of the lab where the schnauzer can sit? This way you won't be pulled in unanticipated directions too much. I'll check the medical supply places.. - ans

Maria 05-23-2008 02:12 AM

good idea
Hey ans,
that sounds like a plan~ a colorful one even! Would you like to design this seat for me in your spare time:D

ans 05-23-2008 07:09 AM

Got the scaled-down design. This will be fun: got a D in shop. :D

Lil E 05-23-2008 09:05 AM

Dog Walking
There is a leash system that goes around the waist and has attachments for two dogs. It works real well. I'd google leashes, waist or hands free.

dshobbies 05-23-2008 07:22 PM

What is the matter with you people. You should train your dogs better. Lucy is too good for a leash, that is unless there's a rabbit, another dog, a bicycle rider, a horse, a bird or a leaf blowing in the wind that might look like any of the above. Other than that, she listens like any well trained dog should:eek: .

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