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iSpine Discuss Supine workstation in the Main forums forums; A post of mine on braintalk generated some very interesting discussions on disability levels, pain levels, etc... I've known ...

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Old 05-18-2008, 10:17 PM
mmglobal's Avatar
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Default Supine workstation

A post of mine on braintalk generated some very interesting discussions on disability levels, pain levels, etc...

I've known Wolfv for several years now. I'm very interested in his supine workstation... he's recently made me understand his theories that I'd missed in the past. Take a look... here is the thread.

Here is the link to his supine workstation website... try again if it fails... some tech problems there.

I'll be interested to hear your feedback.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2008, 04:34 PM
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Default Supine workstation

I have long done a modification of this type of workstation. I found that the zero gravity chair works for me in terms of position. This is as close as I had ever gotten my position correctly in the bed to work on a laptop.

The position that works best for me now in terms of lumbar and cervical is cervical roll, under neck, flat back to lumbar area as best I can do and bent knees (raised legs at knee up about 6 pillows worth) . My neck is giving me nearly as much probs as my back. It's a pain to try and accomodate both areas..

Dental chairs all the way back are awesome for me. I think it drops low enough that just puts my head a bit lower than the rest of my body and still need cervical support.

While a supine workstation is viable, I still question my body not being in use so to speak in terms of loss of muscle tone and weight bearing for bone strength.

While it may behoove me to continue working from a supine type of station, I can't see a full 8 hours a day/ 4 to 5 days a week this way in terms of musculoskeletal health. Then again there is necessity of $$$$$ ... and yeah, I probably could do a variation of my former job/work from home.

Last edited by Maria; 05-19-2008 at 04:36 PM.
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