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KL Aguilar 05-17-2008 11:47 PM

Top of thigh goes numb
I am a cervie, with C3-7 disc damage, especially at C5-7. My symptoms have always been located in my arms, hand, and shoulder blades, but one or two times a year, I've had muscle spasms through my entire back. MRI and X-rays show nothing significant in my lower back.

For the last month or so, I have been getting brief episodes where the top of my left thigh goes numb. By top, I mean the area closer to the surface, facing up if one is sitting. This has happened when I was standing, sitting, and lying down (face up) and does not seem to be related to position or activity. It feels very weird but does not hurt.

My question: is this a cervie symptom that others have? Or???

mmglobal 05-18-2008 12:33 AM

I have heard of such symptoms from cervies.

Cheryl 05-18-2008 03:30 PM

I have been a lumbar patient (until recently now a cervie too) with that symptom. So, hard to say where it comes from for me. But I have it too - not the worst of my symptoms pain wise in fact I forget to mention it because everything else hurts worse.

I'll be going for MRI Tuesday and will ask about this symptom at the follow up next week.


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