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Diane 02-27-2008 09:22 PM

off the fence - I have a surgery date!
Well, I finally made my decision and scheduled surgery...tired of living like an 80 year old woman. I'm sure you've been there, thinking that you're doing ok and can tolerate the pain but, then come the bad days. I'll be putting myself in Dr. Bertagnoli's hands for a one or two level disk replacement. Scary to think of major surgery but excited to be moving forward. It's a relief to have made a decision and easy with Mark arranging everything. He definitely did not want to make my decision and at times will not say enough, but I can tell by the smile on his face that I've made a good choice. I'm sure my anxiety will increase as the date approaches...March 26th.


Maria 02-27-2008 11:10 PM

the fence ~ my home...
Hey Diane,
I didn't feel like I lived like an 80 y.o. woman during 2006-2007.. it was my first non 80 y.o. year in a long long time tho! But I have such sitting issues that is when I feel like a couple of hundred years old or when I bend over repeatedly, pack, travel and so forth.. guess I've become habituated to my pain and pain meds. It's far too comfortable sometimes to live like I do vs. taking the chance re more spine surgery however since you've only recently hit the back pain outta work scene then your choice seems like a great one to me~ no use getting stuck in this nether world if you don't have to!:rolleyes:

sahuaro 02-28-2008 03:16 AM

Wishing you all the best towards a successful surgery and uneventful recovery. I know well the strong ambivalence and then my symptoms "disappeared" the week before surgery. The findings when the surgeon got in there left little doubt that I had made the right decision. You are in great hands.

dshobbies 02-28-2008 06:10 PM


Most of us spend years suffering before taking that leap, wasting precious time, especially with a granddaughter who needs Grandma's special attention.

Aside from my leg which was an extreme complication (I know of only 1other similar problem) my biggest recooperative obstacle was in the bathroom arena. In retrospect, that's not too bad though going through it was difficult. The trick is finding the right combo of laxatives. Should this become your problem, just post it and I'm sure you'll get all the suggestions you can use. Everyone's different so try them all. I hope your surgery goes so smoothly that this too becomes your only hurdle.

All surgeries create anxiety so don't worry when you feel like climbing the walls. A little paint will cover any clawing marks. I wish you the best of luck and I know you're in the best hands, times 2.

It was wonderful meeting you and please post often. We're here to help and support. Dale

chasswen 02-28-2008 06:34 PM

no worries he's the best.
May The Force Be With You..
and don't worry theres plenty of force to go around we will not run out. :)
warm regards

Jim M2 02-29-2008 06:55 PM

I'm glad you've finished the anxiety of the decision. Good riddance to pain. Here's hoping Dr. B returns you to 39 y.o. I hope to see you and Mark soon, when you're healthy and happy.

ans 03-01-2008 02:37 AM

Hi Diane,

Sorry about your back problems! Will you have a two-level pending a discogram? You're in the best of hands for this brave decision. My very best.

Allan (the guy who came over and ate some sandwiches) :)

Poncho 03-01-2008 05:01 PM


Making that decision is a majority of the battle with our complicated spine issues.

I agree that there may be some anxiety as the date approaches - however, I think there will be a sense of relief too.

Please feel free to post what your thoughts and feelings are as the date approaches. Having friends online really helped relieve any fears. :)

That week of March I will be out on seminar in Nevada - but I will keep checking in on your progress.

Take Care Diane,

Cheryl 03-10-2008 01:26 PM

Best of Luck Diane
Best of Luck! I know how you are feeling. Hang in there!!!!

ellecincos1 03-11-2008 03:05 AM

HI Diane,

I know exactly what you mean about walking like a 80 year old women. Even though I have seen very agile and strong women at that age :cool: It sure is wonderful to be able to have a surgery date and know each day is a day closer to better health.:) I will be over there too, so look out for another GPN Spiney. I hope all goes well with you and Mark, I'm sure Dr. B will take good care of you.


Hucky :) 03-17-2008 09:21 AM


There must be a such a sense of relief, finally making a decision. You are soooo lucky having Mark by your side. I know YOU made the decision, but what a wonderful sounding board you have in him.

Which discs will you be having?

I will definitely be checking in here more often to see how your recovery is progressing.

All the best from Down Under :)


Maria 03-18-2008 03:29 PM

Are you there yet?
If so hope you're enjoying some time sightseeing/playing before surgery although hopefully you'll have one of those super stellar recoveries and be out and about at a BigMac a week later (kidding re the BigMac)!

All kidding aside, wishing you the best possible outcome and a very quick and uneventful recovery.

mmglobal 03-19-2008 01:46 AM

Thanks for all the support... we are leaving tomorrow. Wish us luck! (And my clients too!)

chasswen 03-19-2008 06:22 PM

best wishes diane. your in the best hands.
May The Force Be With You!!!

dshobbies 03-19-2008 07:04 PM


My fingers are crossed for both an uncomplicated surgery and recovery. Please remember we're here if you need us.

All my best wishes, Dale

fireyangel76 03-19-2008 07:17 PM

I'll be sending out positive thoughts for a uncomplicated surgery and a speedy recovering with long lasting success for Diane!

Jim M2 03-19-2008 07:41 PM

Best wishes for your outcome. Hope to see you and Mark soon, healthy and happy.

ans 03-21-2008 01:44 PM

You're there now. My best wishes for a successful outcome. Let the next visit be for pleasure. - Allan

fortitudine 03-25-2008 03:08 AM

Wishes for a smooth and uneventful surgery and a speedy and comfortable recovery.

sahuaro 03-25-2008 07:24 PM

With the time change, you must be down to the wire.
Thinking of you with good thoughts and wishes.

mmglobal 03-26-2008 10:46 AM

I'll be posting a patient blog for Diane, kicking off the 'Friends and Family' forum.

Diane's surgery blog

Tim 03-26-2008 02:41 PM

Hi Mark

Wishing Diane the best of luck..

All the best

ellecincos1 03-26-2008 04:37 PM

Diane, we wish you lots of luck and long term success!!:) :) :)

Myriam & Tony

Maria 03-27-2008 01:15 AM

Post op recovery
Hi Diane!
Those were lovely photos of you and Zoey that Mark posted on your surgery blog.

Re your stint as a back pain patient and the status of newbie~ I just find it so almost horrific that so many years of my life have gone by as they have and now I'm so afraid to do more because I had one good year!

In this sense I'm so glad for you that you've gone just a year as a spine patient to date before taking care of something that obviously was giving you notice that there was more that surgically needed addressing.

I hope your recovery isn't going to be too painful or difficult and of course am looking forward to further posts from Mark about how you're coming along.

Wishing you as little pain and best recovery possible~ Maria

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