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iSpine Discuss www.ADR-Straubing-Germany.com in the Main forums forums; If you are headed to Straubing or Bogen, please take a look at this site. It is a work in ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2008, 10:18 PM
mmglobal's Avatar
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Default www.ADR-Straubing-Germany.com

If you are headed to Straubing or Bogen, please take a look at this site. It is a work in progress... I just brought it up and there is not much info there (yet!) However, I leave for Straubing on Friday and I hope to add a lot of content during this trip.

If you've been over there, please post your experiences... hotels and restaurants you liked... sightseeing that you liked... general tips... whatever will be helpful.

Many of the forums or threads will be like reference material. I'll keep a thread a the top with a comprehensive list of the relevant items. So, when someone adds a hotel... I'll put it the the main list and we'll still keep the new thread for folks to discuss that hotel.

If anyone wants to take on a project and develop some even better content, I've got some good ideas or maybe you have even better ones. Help me to make this a VERY useful tool for anyone headed to Germany for surgery.

Straubing and Bogen will both refer to the same set of forums. I'll have one up for Munich soon.

Note that these forums are hosted by GPN and iSpine. Your iSpine login will already be active for www.adr-straubing-germany.com. Link directly to the forums here: http://www.ispine.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=9

As I said... this is a work in progress, so any suggestions you have will be welcome.


1997 MVA
2000 L4-5 Microdiscectomy/laminotomy
2001 L5-S1 Micro-d/lami
2002 L4-S1 Charite' ADR - SUCCESS!
2009 C3-C4, C5-C6-C7, T1-T2 ProDisc-C Nova
Summer 2009, more bad thoracic discs!
Life After Surgery Website
President: Global Patient Network, Inc.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2008, 03:15 AM
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Mark, please fill in my blanks... I don't remember the names.

While in Bogen, upon arriving we stayed at the ???? a small but clean B&B within walking distance to the hospital. My husband then continued to stay there until I was released from the hospital and we moved to Straubing. Within a few days we discovered that for an additional 25E per day, he could stay in the hospital with me, which is what we did, though the cost of the B&B was inexpensive enough to keep the room anyway. He enjoyed going back to the hotel in the morning to shower and change and take a little break. Also, if the hospital fills up they might need the bed for a patient.

The reason we both liked his staying in the room with me is because, especially with an IV, I had to get up several time all night long to go to the bathroom which was a huge undertaking -rolling to one side and then the other to put on the brace - manuevering to get out of bed, the slow walk to the bathroom and back - maneuvering back into bed - rolling to one side and then the other to remove the brace. It was exhausting each time and both my husband and I took comfort in his being there.

In Straubing I would definitely recommend the ????. I believe we stayed in their largest room which had a balcony overlooking the city. With my dead leg it was difficult to step up and out but my husband enjoyed it. The hotel, with a necessary elevator, was clean and very reasonable and the staff really caters to back patients. By the way, for those familiar with Solvang, a resort town in California, Straubing is the real version of it.

Also, ask Mark for the name and phone number of his taxi driver. He acted as sort of a consierge and we would have been lost without him. You can arrange to have him pick you up at the airport, take you from the hospital to Straubing, back to the Dr. B's office for a check-up and then back to the airport. He's also great for necessary trips, like where to go to exchange money, and/or sightseeing.

Good luck to all, Dale
3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2008, 03:47 AM
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Dale, thanks for the posts... I put your info above in the General Discussion forum... just to kick things off over there.

I'm not sure how this will work... will the forums be separate or combined??? We'll try this out for a while...

All the best,

1997 MVA
2000 L4-5 Microdiscectomy/laminotomy
2001 L5-S1 Micro-d/lami
2002 L4-S1 Charite' ADR - SUCCESS!
2009 C3-C4, C5-C6-C7, T1-T2 ProDisc-C Nova
Summer 2009, more bad thoracic discs!
Life After Surgery Website
President: Global Patient Network, Inc.
Founder: www.iSpine.org
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-08-2008, 01:33 AM
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It's been tough to arrive at the proper organization for the travel forums. I'm not sure we are there yet, but it's getting better and better. Please take a look at:


Let me know what you think. Please let me know if you have some pictures you'd like to post. Feel welcome to contribute.

Any suggestions for better layout?


1997 MVA
2000 L4-5 Microdiscectomy/laminotomy
2001 L5-S1 Micro-d/lami
2002 L4-S1 Charite' ADR - SUCCESS!
2009 C3-C4, C5-C6-C7, T1-T2 ProDisc-C Nova
Summer 2009, more bad thoracic discs!
Life After Surgery Website
President: Global Patient Network, Inc.
Founder: www.iSpine.org
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-08-2008, 05:28 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 2,405
Default You have me hooked

I like! Looks good Mark in terms of arrangement of information to be shared~ and the Hotel T~ (forgot how to spell the rest) hooked me, I wanna go!

Great info being shared! The photos posted are lovely!
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