iSpine Discuss Please Help! in the Main forums forums; I received a copy of an MRI report today. I took the MRI on Monday 10/15. A pain mgmt ... |
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![]() I received a copy of an MRI report today. I took the MRI on Monday 10/15. A pain mgmt spec. I was seeing for Prolotherapy recommended I get an MRI to see if I had any disk damage. In the mean time my insurance co. has decided they are not paying for the Prolotherapy after they said they would and now the doc. won't see me anymore until the mess with the Prolotherapy is straightened out. Long story short I have no one to decipher the MRI report. Here is what was stated
Findings: The cervical vertebral bodies are in satisfactory alignment. The cervical spinal cord is in intact. At C3-4 uncinate degeneration produces mild right sided foraminal compromise. The canal is patent. At C4-5 uncinate degeneration produces mild right sided foraminal compromise. The canal is intact. At C5-6 a disc osteophyte complex is seen and leads to mild central canal stenosis. Also at this level, uncinate degeneration produces a moderate degree of left sided foraminal compromise. The remaining cervical interspaces are intact. Impression: Multilevel degenerative disc and joint disease as described. Most notable are mild degrees of foraminal compreomise on the right at C3-4 and C4-5, moderate left sided foraminal compromise at C5-6 and mild canal stenosis at C5-6. I have been suffering for years with intense burning, aching pain in my right neck and shoulder area. I've been told I have myofascial pain syndrome, but none of the usual treatments are working. I'm ready to blow my brains out. I can barley sit at my desk for an 8 hr day much less go home and be a mom and wife. What type of doctor should I go see now based on the MRI? Thanks fredsangel ![]() |
![]() I too am dealing with cervical issues and similar pain which makes sitting for long periods very difficult. I have trigger points and muscle spasms because of the guarding. So, in addition to the suggestions to see a neurologist, conservative treatment modalities such as physical therapy, massage and exercise may be of help. Also, I find the Thermacare neck wraps helpful.
![]() Thanks, for your replys. I have been dealing with this pain for about 17 yrs. and have reached my witsend. I've been through trigger point injections, botox injections, I've taken meds for nerve ending pain, anti inflamatories, anti depressants, TENS unit, Prolotherapy, you name it I've done it and nothing works. My doctors always thought it was a muscular problem, but now it sounds like there may be something else at the root of the muscular problem.
So you think my next step should be a neurosurgeon? Thanks fredsangel ![]() |
![]() Your symptoms sound much like mine. I'm OK in the morning, but as the day wears on, the aches in my upper back, shoulder get worse and worse. When I'm lit up, it becomes very difficult to function later in the day and when I go home, I'm completely spent... can't really do anything. Having said that, most of the time, I'm doing too well for me to consider the 2-level disc replacement surgery that would be the appropriate for the 'moderately severe foraminal stenosis".
1997 MVA 2000 L4-5 Microdiscectomy/laminotomy 2001 L5-S1 Micro-d/lami 2002 L4-S1 Charite' ADR - SUCCESS! 2009 C3-C4, C5-C6-C7, T1-T2 ProDisc-C Nova Summer 2009, more bad thoracic discs! Life After Surgery Website President: Global Patient Network, Inc. Founder: www.iSpine.org |
![]() Are you on any type of pain medication, if so what type of doctor prescribed them to you? I just need some relief other than laying around all the time.
Yesterday was Sunday and I laid around and rested most of the day, then it was time to fix dinner. I was on my feet for a couple of hours fixing a big dinner and by the time I was finished I didn't even want to eat I was hurting so bad. I had to go lay down with my trusty heating pad. Carla aka fredsangel ![]() |
![]() Carla,
I too used to use the heating pad until told I should be using ice. The heating pad might temporarily loosen tight muscles but the ice reducing inflammation, just as likely the cause of your pain. Try them both. I found the ice to be far more of a pain reliever and am sorry I wasn't told about it sooner. Hoping you get the pain relief you need so desperately, Dale
3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005 Dr. B in Bogen, Germany Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it |
![]() I found the term "uncinate degeneration" difficult to understand. But that's me...Mark/others w/know..
I hope it's not specific to spondylitheis (sic) which I think a 4 mm offset can precude an ADR: Somewhere spondy in here: http://tinyurl.com/27nq6h Best, Allan Last edited by ans; 10-22-2007 at 07:03 PM. |
![]() I really don't know what any thing on the MRI report means. The doctor who ordered it will no longer see me since my insurance co. won't pay for the Prolotherapy he was doing after it was approved. So I didn't get to go back and have him read the MRI. That's when I found you guys on the internet. I was hoping someone here could point me in the right direction as far as what kind of dr. I should be seeing.
I called a neurologist today and they won't see me without a physician referral. So I called the Dr. who ordered the MRI and they don't do referrals. So now what? I'm about ready to scream!!!! Carla ![]() |
![]() You probalby need to see you regular doctor, family doctor, the one you would go to for the usual anything and explain the situation bring the mri and ask for a referal there. When you make an appointement and they don't have one anytime soon then tell them you need to see the doctor soon and get on the standby list so if someone cancels their appointment you can get in sooner. This does work if they are booked long in advance. Do it now you can alway cancel and appointment. Be flexible with your time helps. That should get you going in the right direction.
Good luck. I also have similar symtoms like you have like burning pain etc and for me heat works much better for those symtoms. If it is only pain then ice usually works better due to reducing swelling etc, but my nerves really like heat.
Nov 07: STALIF Fusion L5/S1 ACTIV-L ADR L4/L5 Nov 09: Prodisc-C ADR 2 level C 4/5/6 |
![]() In response to your questions re meds: Because I cannot work if my mind is fuzzy from drugs, I usually don't take meds but I do spend literally half my life doing the conservative measures--PT, massage and exercise--which allows me to work on a very reduced basis. This Saturday, I went to a workshop which involved over 6 hours of sitting--and I paid for it on Sunday. When I am in pain, I usually reach for anti-inflammatories first before heavy duty pain meds. And moist heat helps a great deal.
That raises a question for you: have you found that your symptoms have increased with prolotherapy? The purpose of prolotherapy, as I understand it, is to increase inflammation to set off what is supposed to be a healing reaction--but I am wondering if the treatments have increased your pain levels because of the inflammation. Your problems in negotiating the medical maze are unfortunately not unique. As Fuzzy suggests, your primary care physician is probably the person to contact now. |
![]() At first I thought the Prolotherapy was working, but a few days after my first treatment my pain returned in full force. After second treatment I hurt bad for the entire week. By the 3rd treatment it was obvious that it wasn't working. I've been in severe pain ever since. Like Mark was saying it's not too bad in the am, but by afternoon it gets unbearable. Unfortunately I have a job where I work at a computer all day so by the time I get home I can't do anything. I just want to go lay down.
I will give my PCP a call right now and see how soon I can get into see him and I guess we'll take it from there. Thanks to all of you, this has been great for me to be able to chat with people who know what type of pain I'm in and understand. Carla ![]() |
![]() If your pain gets worse as the day wears on, as mine does, and the more you do re computers and sitting, the worse it gets, it may be muscle spasms. I find that muscle relaxants work better for me than pain relievers; however, I tried three or four until I found one that worked for me (Flexeril). And I read somewhere (will try to find it) that someone wore a posture brace at work, and that he felt like crying because it was a great help in preventing the pain from even starting.
I am not trying to say that your problem is in your muscles...I am trying to say that your neck problems may be causing muscle spasms and that there are things you can do to relieve muscle spasms. Edited to add the website where the person posted about the brace and how it worked for him: http://adrsupport.org/eve/forums/a/t...1/m/5951012282 Last edited by KL Aguilar; 10-25-2007 at 02:33 PM. |
![]() Oh I definately believe that my cervical problems are causing muscle problems. I saw my pcp last Thursday and although he's not an expert he said that I have bone spurs and some arthritic condition that is causing some nerve ending damage which is also affecting my muscles. Somehow it's all related. I see a neurosurgeon this coming Friday 11/2. So, we'll see what he has to say.
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![]() I had to go to Urgent Care re my neck as the spasms were too much for me and when one's head goes.. what is there? Anyway shot of Toradol in UC and it helped immensely and then saw OSS Tues afternoon and was surprised by my xray. C4 vertebrae moved backwards out of alligment with other vertebrae. Much spasming going on and much degeneration at this level...
Supposed anular tear that may have torn more~ felt that way tho w/o neurological symptoms radiating to arms/hands. Hope your visit will go well and reveal your prob and meanwhile you'll have less pain/spasms. |
![]() Hi Maria,
So sorry you are having cervical issues. I am starting to see a theme here....a lot of people here have lumbar and cervical problems. I also am having cervical issues but I seem to have nipped it in the bud a few months ago with PT. I hope you are feeling better after the toradol...good stuff!!! I don't see it used too often any more and I am not sure why. Keep your chin up and your great positive attitude!
Annular tear L5-S1 1998 Herniated disc L5-S1 2004,PT,ESI's,discectomy 2005 Dynesys 2/2007 |
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