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nurse4kids02 08-27-2007 02:27 AM

Dascor Nucleus Replacement
well, i went for the 6 month checkup, and everything is well!!! i don't have to go back for 6 more months :):) hurray!!!!
i also got a new job... no more hospital shifts work and lifting patients. will now be working at a new V.A. clinic in my town... and no lifting patients!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my question though, has anyone found a great office chair that doesn't hurt the back? anyone tried those new swiss ball chairs?

anatru 12-02-2007 03:54 PM

Impressed and curious
I'm thrilled to hear that you are doing well after this surgery! Of all the options I like the idea of the Dascor the best. May I ask who your doctor was and how you managed to get someone to do that particular surgery for you? I'm in CA and need surgery for herniated discs, currently in much pain, and wanting the Dascor or something similar.

Please tell me where you had this done? I'd also love to hear more about your recovery.

Many thanks!

anatru 12-02-2007 03:59 PM

Oh, and by the way, the chair I bought is a Hag which you can view at this site...

I love my chair because it's allowed me to work while in much pain. It allows your pelvis to align properly and the base has built in foot rests, so your pelvis is tilted forward slightly as you work. It also is very comfortable to sit in if you turn it around and sit so the "back" is now supporting your torso from the front with the arms acting as arm rests.

I hope this is helpful,

mmglobal 12-03-2007 02:11 AM

John Regan did her surgery. Thanks for the link to the chairs... very interesting looking. I couldn't get website to help find retailer or find any cost info. Where did you get yours and about how much did it cost?

Good luck on your search for relief.


nurse4kids02 12-04-2007 05:28 AM

sorry it took so long to write back.... dr regan did my surgery. i was actually going down there for a opinion on another surgery, and he told me about the dascor replacement, and thought i was a good i did it. in february, it will be one year.
i am doing good. still have lots of trouble with my right leg, but i believe its all related to my SI joint, and i dont' know how to fix it. my doc says to e xcercise, so i do..then it hurts, when i don't excercise it hurts... so who knows!!!

pretty soon, they should be opening up the study again, to do another round of trials... so look it up. disc dynamics is the company, and dr regans sight is
good luck!!!

i could't figure out where to get that chair....:o

mmglobal 12-04-2007 02:05 PM

Nurse... have you been evaluated for piriformis syndrome? Too many spine surgeons don't even believe it exists. Read Cindy and Tom on the GPN patient story pages.


nurse4kids02 12-19-2007 08:42 AM

thanks mark!!! i definetly think that is what i have!!!!

any experience with this at all?:confused:

mmglobal 12-20-2007 09:19 AM

Yes.. I've had several clients with PS and know several docs in So. Cal that are tuned into it. Contact me off the forum and I'll get you pointed in the right direction.

All the best,


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