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iSpine Discuss Just had cervical MRI this week in the Main forums forums; I'm going Monday for my f/u on my cervical MRI. I was fortunate to have seen my OSS ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2007, 07:13 PM
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Default Just had cervical MRI this week

I'm going Monday for my f/u on my cervical MRI. I was fortunate to have seen my OSS Monday for my neck complaints (he's seen me before for this) and he did an xray that visit and after the physical exam ordered an MRI to r/o cord compression. I doubt I have this but he said my reflexes were more brisk than he would like to see coupled with weakness and my complaint of dropping things frequently.

I asked about getting the MRI films the day it was done but was told I'd have to do the f/u with the physician first. So Monday I'll see if I can get them though here's hoping there's nothing much there but some DDD and teeny disc bulges I was told about last time (and osteophytes)...

Will report on my cervical spine results Monday. My low back is a raging pain as usual when it acts up~ and it did while sitting in a doc's office both Monday and Tues! Sitting .. if only I could for some length of time without repercussion~
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-10-2007, 02:32 AM
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M: How did the visit go? Good luck! - Allan
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-10-2007, 08:26 AM
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Waiting for report....

I saw Coufal with a client today (that you recommended him to)... very cool. Nice doc... good medical group.

Talk to you on Tuesday!

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2001 L5-S1 Micro-d/lami
2002 L4-S1 Charite' ADR - SUCCESS!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2007, 06:20 PM
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Default re MRI results

Fine,fine, fine. Just some DDD at C3-4, C4-5, C5-6 and no stenosis, no cord compression. When asking about disc bulges was told there just minor but not significant. Got the CD but not radiologist's report. Have to get that.

Still the dropping stuff... what's up with that? Is it hormonally related? Is it related to arthritis, muscular loss of strength? Am I losing it????

I liked Coufal. I would have had surgery with him at Scripps La Jolla had he offered with ADR and fusion.. got the vibe he is a good surgeon and liked his personality. Was business like but personable and no BS, no smugness, conceit, arrogance or any of the usual one might see in a Neurosurgeon or OSS for that matter (or any surgeon)~ (drawing on my work experience as well as patient experience). Surely not to say all surgeons, OSSs' or Neuros are like that.. but hey, see it or hear about it often enough...

Am interested in knowing more about his PM guy in terms of local group.

Last edited by Maria; 07-12-2007 at 06:25 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2007, 11:26 PM
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Good but not great news from your MRI--thank you for posting.
Was the OSS able to demonstrate weakness in your arm and/or hand? What are his thoughts now that the MRI is back?
I do have weakness in my dominant arm which is glaringly apparent in the gym but because I do workout, I do have some strength in the arm. Only 2 of the now growing number of neurologists and neurosurgeons I've seen have been able to clearly demonstrate a problem on clinical exam with the test where they push down against your extended fingers and I think it has to do with the exact angle from which they are pushing--and my inability to resist is very dramatic.
Maybe an EMG and nerve-conduction studies?

Hope you get some answers.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2007, 05:47 AM
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Hi Maria,
Sometimes the hardest thing is when nothing is there that would explain the symptoms. I remember when I had my 4th MRI of my lumbar spine after all the previous ones showed only buldges, ddd,ect...In some ways I was happy that the herniation was evident on the 4th one and yet in other ways not. After complaining of pain so long and being treated like in was in my head I was happy to have something show up that I thought was fixable and something that explained my symptoms.
I do hope you get some answers. As my OSS always tells me.."Just because I can't find the cause doesnt mean it isn't there. It is my failure for not being able to find it. It does not mean it is in your head" And that is the biggest reason I love my surgeon!
Good luck and swift diagnosis to you!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2007, 09:52 PM
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I have had many many MRI's. And only one facility delayed my films. They will nearly always accommodate a request for a copy of the films which you should get and keep on hand.

But it's not the films that matters as much as the Report and your own physicians reading of the films.

And experienced Surgeon will look at the report, then look at the films themselves to see if they agree with what is on the report. If all they do is look at the report then they may be missing something. This is the nature of a second opinion.

Radiologists can get very busy and their reports don't always tell the whole story.

You can also request a CD - which I always do, but I've yet to find a Doctor who will look at CD images. They always want the films as they are more detailed.
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