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grima6 02-27-2007 02:33 AM

Maverick EX_Plantation
Hi everyone, just wanted to know if anyone has had a Maverick Prothesis removed or knows of anyone who has had it out? I am having severe leg symptoms post ongoing since 2yrs Post implant and would like to hear any other patient experiences with the Maverick Implant.
Thanks Lorna Australia:)

mmglobal 03-03-2007 03:52 PM


Sorry for the delayed reply. Hunt down Rob Wilson - he posts on this forum. You can send him a private message. Unfortunately, he's in the same, situation... post-op from Maverick ADR still with severe pain.

We'll talk next week...


mmglobal 05-20-2008 03:13 AM

Grima6 had her Maverick explanted about a year ago with good results.

I've recently seen a presentation on explantation of Maverick at L4-5 via a minimally invasive lateral approach... very interesting stuff.

More on the SAS blog soon.


Roblin 05-21-2008 07:18 AM

lateral explantation of Maverick
Mark, I would be very interested in seeing that video of the minimally invasive lateral approach to remove the Maverick disk.

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