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iSpine Discuss Finally new MRI authorized in the Main forums forums; So my OSS had to write that I have Spinal Stenosis and Intermittent Claudication and WC authorized the lumbar MRI ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2015, 12:14 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Default Finally new MRI authorized

So my OSS had to write that I have Spinal Stenosis and Intermittent Claudication and WC authorized the lumbar MRI which I'll be getting this Friday. Haven't had one since 2005! Can't believe it's been 10 years since a 2 level ADR or ADR and fusion were authorized (though not done by my choice)!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2015, 02:08 AM
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Good luck tomorrow!
Would you consider surgery this time around?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2015, 02:35 AM
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Default re MRI

No, not really planning on any surgical recommendations unless absolutely necessary for some really hinky type of finding.. more just to find out what is
going on in there at least from my standpoint. The surgeon might have a different idea. My PM had suggested I get an updated MRI because while being weaned off pain meds as I've experienced some pain that I hadn't before but that's was after my back went out a couple of times. Lately since I've not gone any further with the Methadone wean (a bit under 5mg/day) I've been Ok except for a near constant catch in my low back when lean forward. Sometimes way worse than others. Also a good deal of tailbone discomfort to pain resurfacing if sit a bit too much (which still isn't all that much).

I'd really like for L4 to do what it seems L5S1 did which is fuse on it's own but seems like if that's going to happen I'm going to feel "the ride" all the way to that point.

Along the way with weaning my pain med dose and after my back went out and while starting to recover had this crazy pain in the area of kidneys on both sides... felt like the area was sprained and it was really weird pain .. an ex addict (junkie) ex neighbor I know told me that's part of withdrawal... makes you feel like your kidneys have been bashes by 2x4's... actually have gotten more withdrawal/weaning information from this type of source than from doctors!

Will see what the findings yield.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2015, 04:58 PM
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Posts: 256

Have you gotten the results of the MRI?

Getting off meds is a major undertaking. My patients doing this have had to rely on online forums for advice.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2015, 05:52 PM
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Default re MRI

I didn't have a return appt. with OSS for results so figured if there was anything bad or unusual other than what he has stated I would get a call to come and be seen again. I'm just going to wait until my appt. with my PM on Sept. 3rd otherwise as I asked to have the MRI results sent to him as well.

I had asked for a copy of my results but imaging center said no but that was right after the MRI so I'll call back and ask if they have a CD or ? at a later date.

Re the pain med.. I'm at the same dose which is about a 1/3rd of what I was taking before which was a low dose anyway. I like sleeping and not feeling crazy and exacerbating my pain so if I go any lower it's going to be a really long haul...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2015, 06:43 PM
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Posts: 256

Unless there's something different about WC, you are entitled to the films and report. It costs 25 cents to burn a CD with your images on it...
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2015, 03:06 PM
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Default WC is different

I've been able to get a CD if the facility offers them in the past but generally with WC the records aren't yours actually they are the property of the State Board of Worker's Compensation. I always ask my PTP for a copy of the report and then generally go to the imaging facility and tell them I'm going to see a specialist (as in 2nd surgical opinion) and was advised to pick up my films or CD so that I can hand carry it to the appt. That worked in the past.

I'll ask my PM for the copy of the report and see about getting a CD or copy of the films again. Also it used to be first CD was free and anything after that was $15 a copy but that was back in 2005 and from imaging centers that offered the CD (back then not all imaging centers did and there were different policies re getting copies of films).
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