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Sessy 03-31-2014 04:01 PM

Diagnosis from Dr. Zeegers
Hi - How can I get information to Dr. Zeegers and ask him for a diagnosis. It is for a failed (I think) lumbar fusion surgery. Surgeons seen so far think nothing is wrong (or they don't know how to fix it and so say nothing is wrong). I don't belive this and want someone who will really look into and examine everything possible. I don't want someone who will just hold the films up in the office and say everything looks fine and there is nothing to do; just live with the severe pain. From what I've read, Dr. Zeegers is not like this and will study the diagnostics.

Thanks for any and all help.


Karger 03-31-2014 04:42 PM


I got ahold of Dr Zeegers via his website: HOMEPAGE | Zeegers-Back Pain-Artificial Disc ReplacementZeegers-Back Pain-Artificial Disc Replacement | Diagnosis and treatment of back-neck pain by drs. Willem Zeegers-artificial disc pioneer

Hope that helps.


henry4956 04-04-2014 06:14 PM

Hi, Sessy I am having surgery with Dr Zeegers in less than 2 weeks. I have been on a long journey to get here. Dr Zeegers IS THE only spine surgeon that I know of that will talk to you directly and quickly. He is a very interesting and compassionate man however he has a few quirks that I've learned about throughout our conversations. More importantly he is a 'world class' surgeon. I originally contacted him through his website, but I'm pretty sure you can use his direct email address

Feel free to 'PM' me if you need to, his English is OK, but you should keep your questions short and concise and avoid combining more than 1 question in a sentence.

Maria 04-04-2014 08:51 PM

re failed surgery and Dr.Zeegers contact
Hey Sessy,
Good luck with your contacting Dr.Zeegers re the link that Henry gave you. You can also contact mmglobal here and he can probably help you expedite contact. When I was first seeking an opinion post my failed 2nd lumbar surgery I contacted Dr.Zeegers and Dr. Bertagnoli abroad utilizing Mark's services (mmglobal).

I wish you the very best. I well know how it feels to hear the stuff one does regarding failed surgeries and what might be done (or not). My failed 2nd lumbar discectomy was in '92 and I went thru He** until I happened upon Mark's journey abroad with Dr.Zeegers (round about 2000).

Wishing you the best and hope things will improve for you however that comes about. Failed spine surgery for me was just the worst.. I hope things are and will be better for you!


henry4956 04-22-2014 10:38 PM

Sessy see my update on my 'Upcoming surgery w/Dr Zeegers' thread
hope it helps

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