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iSpine Discuss 6 months post op- still in pain, Please help in the Main forums forums; Hello, I haven't posted on here for awhile, but I have been reading. Here is a quick recap: I ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2014, 04:10 AM
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Location: Green Bay, WI
Posts: 30
Question 6 months post op- still in pain, Please help

I haven't posted on here for awhile, but I have been reading. Here is a quick recap: I had suffered from debilitating headaches and neck/shoulder pain with Neuropathy for over 2 years. Finally I had the C5 C6 level Replaced with Pro Disc-C in September but have 3 other herniated disc with bone spurs that still need to be addressed.
I thought things were going well, was even able to cut back from 12 pain pills in 24 hrs to 6 or 7. But that is where it stopped. I was still in quite a bit of pain but it was controlled on the 6-7 Pain pills a day, ice and heat packs and stretching. I managed to graduate from the University, Cum Laude and get into my first choice of Grad School, which started in January. All while working, raising two daughters and healing. I thought I was doing well.
3 weeks ago my Neurosurgeon says they can no longer treat me until I come back for another ADR in 18-24 months due to their policy and that my PCP will have to take over my medication. I am very close with my PCP but he did not want to fill the meds they had me on so he switched me to something else and it doesn't even touch my pain. I have had to take 3 days off of work this week due to the pain. I can't sleep more than 3-4 hours and I can barely move my neck to the left and my shoulder is killing me. I just woke up from a 3 hour sleep and threw up due to the pain.
I know as a PCP he is uncomfortable writing these Rx's, so yesterday I called and spoke to his nurse for a Referral to a civilian Pain Management and Rehabilitation clinic. I get all of my care through the VA and he told me when he took over my meds that the VA Pain Clinic will not take new patients that are already on narcotic pain meds. What the Heck? Isn't that what they are there for?
I am sorry to rant but I am so frustrated and do not know what to do. I am posting here for any suggestions on how to get into a Pain clinic? I am so upset that they had me on dose of meds that allowed to work and be active with my family and now all that has been taken away from me, I am only 35 years old. Why do they make it so difficult to get the meds you need? I have never ran out early and asked for an early fill, I do not drink and I do not sell my meds, I take them. I am just at a lose as to why they would change something that was working.
Any Advice would be greatly appreciated. I am sure that their are many Spinies that have been down this road. Thank you for reading.

Last edited by ajspine; 03-27-2014 at 04:13 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2014, 02:39 PM
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Default re desperation

I can certainly understand why you're feeling desperate given that it sounds like you were fairly well controlled re pain and able to function and because of some roadblocks re care things are going downhill on that level.

Can you afford to pay out of pocket to see a PM just for meds (meaning not injections)? There are longer acting drugs you can take. The pain med I take is long acting and very cheap but the downside is that it's strongly addictive (and difficult to get off of). I only take 10mg 1x/day of this medication and have for years to manage my pain. I still have flare ups now and again.

Are you anywhere near Mexico? I know this sounds crazy but healthcare is pretty inexpensive there and when I saw a GP there he offered to fill my pain med script which amazed me. He was spoke perfect English and his wife was a Psychiatrist and while they lived in Mexico they practiced in Mexico and in San Diego. I didn't take him up on it because I have a very good PM that I see every few months (my scripts are given for a 3 month period).

The out of pocket might be the way you have to go for a while if you can afford it.. good luck I'm sorry to read that of the troubles you're going thru to get care until you have further surgery~

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2014, 09:36 PM
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Posts: 30

Thank you for responding. I can pay out of pocket and my Dr. is trying to get me a referral but I need it to cover my visits like insurance. Why? Because the pain clinics up here will only take you with a referral(which I am getting) but unless you have insurance the Drs. will not right Rx's. So, I asked, "you mean if I pay cash all he will do for me(Even with my records and MRI's) is provide me with expensive injections that I don't need and am allergic too?"
The response, "We might be able to do something for you with your records but we cannot guarantee that he will give you your meds".
Why???? Why, when I have a medical file 3 inches thick? Why does it matter if I pay you cash or have a voucher from the VA? With cash, no meds. With Insurance, sure we can write you a script. It seems to me that most of these clinics only want to provide expensive injections. I understand that these help some people, but not me. I was in a good therapy, and everything was fine(At least until surgery again) and now this. This doesn't make any sense to me. Now I am sick and in pain waiting for my doctor to get back to me(he was out today).
I live in WI, so closer to Canada and if I could I would go over there. But I signed a Pain contract and I have held up my end of the deal. I expect the VA to hold up theirs or I WILL be contacting my congressman/woman. This is ridiculous. Thank you so much for your response.

2004 Two SLAP Tear repairs/ 4 anchors, Left Shoulder
2013 Cervical ADR C5/C6
???? Cervical ADR C6/C7
???? Total Shoulder replacement

Last edited by ajspine; 03-28-2014 at 01:17 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2014, 03:18 AM
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Default craziness

Well that's the stupidest logic ever with regard to actually treating a patient for pain management. Not that I haven't been exposed to it myself as I have which is why I make a 2 hr. trip to San Diego to see a PM there that I've been seeing now since 2004. I like this guy and he will just give my scripts since WC will no longer pay for any injections (I had ESIs for near 10 years and they did help me greatly).

I can't see how someone is held to a contract when the providers aren't filling their end of the contract or the insurance isn't providing for what they should or ... whatever reason one cannot access the care even with insurance or cash that would pay~ ridiculous!

Ok anyway I do hope things will work out for you sooner than ASAP. I think you should write your congressperson anyway! Please keep us posted if you are so inclined.

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dosage problems, medications, pain, pain clinic

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